KEESM 10-01-23
    1000 Administrative Information
       1100 Program Descriptions and Purpose, General Information, and Administration and Supervision
       1200 Rights and Responsibilities
          1210 Rights and responsibilities
          1211 Rights of the Applicant/Recipient
          1211.1 Right to Make Application
          1211.2 Right to Designate an Authorized Representative
          1211.3 Right to Information
          1211.4 Right to a Private Interview
          1211.5 Right to Receive a Prompt Decision
          1211.6 Right to Restored Benefits
          1211.7 Right to Correct Amount of Assistance
          1211.8 Right to Equal Treatment
          1211.9 Right to A Fair Hearing
          1211.10 Right to Withdraw from the Program
          1211.11 Right to an Individual Determination of Eligibility for Assistance
          1211.12 Right to Written Notification of Action
          1211.13 Right to Examine Case File
          1212 Responsibilities of Applicant/Recipient
          1212.1 Responsibility to Submit Identifiable Application
          1212.2 Responsibility to Supply Information
          1212.3 Responsibility to Provide Verification
          1212.4 Responsibility to Authorize Release of Information
          1212.5 Responsibility to Report Changes
          1212.6 Responsibility to Cooperate
          1212.7 Responsibility to Participate in Face-to-Face Interview
          1212.8 Responsibility to Provide Social Security Numbers
          1212.9 Responsibility to Meet Needs
          1212.10 Responsibility to Select Appropriate Child Care
          1212.11 Responsibility to Pay for Child Care Expenses Owed
          1213 Responsibilities of the Agency
          1213.1 Periodic Reviews
          1213.2 Fraud
          1213.3 Responsibility to Accept an Identifiable Application
          1213.4 Responsibility to Review Recipients Timely
          1213.5 Responsibility to Establish Claims of Overpayment
          1213.6 Responsibility to Restore Lost Benefits
          1213.7 Responsibility for Giving Notice of Action
          1213.8 Consumer Education
          1213.9 Informed Parental Choice (Child Care)
          1213.10 Case File Documentation
          1213.11 Cost-Effective Service Provision
          1220 Availability and Confidentiality of Information
          1221 Confidentiality of Information Concerning Applicants or Recipients
          1222 Disclosure of Confidential Information
          1223 Nature of Information to be Safeguarded
          1224 Disclosure of Information to Client
          1224.1 Information Provided by Other DCF Programs
          1224.2 Medical and Psychiatric Reports
          1224.3 Names and Addresses of Complainants
          1224.4 Investigative Reports
          1225 Disclosure of Information to Agency Personnel
          1226 Disclosure of Information to Nonagency Personnel and the Public
          1226.1 Information Available to the Public
          1226.2 Directly Related to the Administration of DCF Programs
          1226.4 Federal or Federally Assisted Programs
          1226.5 Officials Conducting An Investigation, Prosecution, or Criminal/ Civil Proceeding
          1226.6 Intention to Commit Crimes
          1226.7 Fleeing Felons and Probation/Parole Violators
          1226.8 Additional Provisions
          1226.9 Information Not Otherwise Authorized to be Disclosed
          1227 Subpoenas and Testifying in Court Concerning Information Not Otherwise Authorized
          1228 Questions Concerning Disclosure of Information
          1229 Unauthorized Disclosure of Confidential Information
       1300 Prudent Person, Simplified Eligibility And Verification
       1400 Application Process, Case Disposition, and Written notice of Case Action
       1500 Payment Information And Payees and Representatives
       1600 Fair Hearings, Complaints, and Grievances
       1700 - General Information About Other Programs and Miscellaneouus
    2000 General Eligibility
    3000 Self-Sufficiency Activities
    4000 Assistance Planning With Individual Applicants/Recipients
    5000 Resources
    6000 Income
    7000 Budgeting of Income and Determination of Financial Eligibility
    8000 Reserved
    9000 Reporting Changes, Transfer Of Assistance And Reviews
    10000 Child Care Providers
    11000 Incorrect Benefits And Fraud Determinations
    12000 Reserved
    13000 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
KEESM Appendix
KEESM Miscellaneous Forms
KEESM Summary of Changes and SCLs
Implementation and COLA Memos
Policy Memos
KEESM Past Revisions
Web Links
Printing Instructions