Adding an Expense in KEES


Only four types of expenses are entered directly into KEES. These include Health Insurance Premiums, Past Due and Owing (PDO), Shelter (for Allocation), and Non-Covered Medical Expenses.


Expenses that are not allowable, have previously been applied, are missing required documentation, or should be billed through another method (Bene Bill or Provider Bill) do not use the following process.


NOTE: For PDO and expenses that may be greater than the client obligation/patient liability, set up all other records and run EDBC without saving to determine what the share of cost would be prior to the expense being added. If the expense is greater, it may be allowed for more than one month. For example, the patient liability prior to the PDO expense is $1,000. An allowable PDO expense of $2,500 needs to be applied. The expense for $1,000 will be set up for the first two months reducing the patient liability to zero. The remaining $500 will be applied to the third month reducing the patient liability to $500. The fourth month will return to the regular patient liability of $1,000.


  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation.

  2. Open the financial data pages by clicking on the + beside Financial from Task navigation.

  3. Select Expenses from Task Navigation. The Expense List page displays.

  4. Select the Expense Category from the drop-down menu. Refer to KEES Medical Expense Values for more information.

  5. Click the Add button. The Expense Detail page displays.

  6. Select the Expense Type from the drop-down menu. See KEES Medical Expense Values for more information.

  7. Select the Frequency from the drop-down menu.

  8. The Description field is a non-mandatory field to describe the expense.

  9. Click the Add button in the Contributors block. The Expense Contributors Detail page displays.

  10. Select the Contributor or person responsible for paying the expense from the Person(s) drop-down menu.

  11. Enter the date the expense should start being counted in the Begin Date field using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

    1. This should be the first day of the first month for determining eligibility if it is new application.

    2. This is usually the month after the month of report for expenses for recipients.

NOTE: Negative changes for consumers require timely and notice. The overstated eligibility process may be needed.

  1. Click the Save and Return button. The Expense Detail page displays.

  2. Click the Add button in the Amounts block to add the amount the consumer pays for the expense. The Expense Amount Detail page displays.

  3. Enter the Expense Amount in the Amount field on the Expense Amount Detail page.

NOTE: The Amount Paid by Others is for documentation only. This field does not remove any portion of the expense from the consumer’s benefit calculation.

  1. Enter the date the expense should start being counted in the Begin Date field using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

    1. This should be same date as in step 11 above.

  2. Enter the End Date into the End Date field.

    1. The end date is left blank for recurring expenses such as a premium for other health insurance.

    2. The end date is entered as the last day of the month that it is applied for one-time expenses.

    3. Cases with a spenddown use the first day of the spenddown it is applied to for the begin month and the last day of the first spenddown month for the end date. This allows the expense to be allowed once during the spenddown base period.

  3. Select a value from the Verified drop-down menu.

  4. Click the Save and Return button. The Expense List page displays.

NOTE: Medical programs record each medical expense as an individual record. If adding a new Insurance Premium Expense, remember to add the Insurance to the Other Health Insurance page.

  1. Run EDBC to update the Obligation/Liability Amount with the expense allowed. Additional months may need EDBC ran to change or end the expense.

  1. Create a future dated task as appropriate. See Adding a Future Task-KEES Case for steps on creating a future task.