Address Detail - Family Medical


NOTE: If known, always enter a mailing and physical address listed for every person in the household.

NOTE: PO boxes should only be entered for mailing addresses only.

NOTE: The Begin Date for existing KEES consumers should be the day the address is changed in KEES; this is the case even when Prior Med is requested.  


To add or update an address for a case person(s):

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Contact from Task Navigation. The Contact Summary page displays.

  2. Select the Add button to navigate to the Address Detail page.

NOTE: To multi-select click on the Name of the first person, hold down the Ctrl Key, and then left-click the Names of the Other Persons.

  1. Enter the Begin Date for the address using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.  

NOTE: If a future date is entered in the Begin Date field the Hard Stop Error Message Error. Begin date cannot be in the future is received.  

  1. Select the Address Type(s) being updated.

NOTE: To multi-select click on the Address Type(s)  while holding down the Ctrl Key, and then left-click the additional Address Type(s).  

  1. Enter the new Address information.    

NOTE: Certain special characters cause errors when EDBC is run and should not be included in the consumer’s address:  @ & \ $ % ^ + = ] [ } { | .

The following characters are allowed and do not cause problems: - / #:

  1. Click the Save and Return button.  The Select Address page displays.

  1. Select the radio button for the appropriate address.  If applicable, complete the County drop-down menu.  

NOTE: When adding an Address only use the Normalized Address presented on the Select Address page if the Zip + 4 displays. The County Code is added with the +4.  If the +4 of the Zip code does NOT display in the Normalized Address the County is not being added. In this situation select the User Entered Address so that the County Code can be added. If the consumer does not have a county associated to the address, the medical coverage information does not get processed by MMIS.

NOTE:  If updating an address for a HH member that has moved out of state, the County will need to remain the same as the previous address to avoid any billing issues. For example:  If a HH member lives in McPherson county and then moved to Colorado, when entering the new Colorado address, the County selected would be McPherson.

  1. Click the Select button.


NOTE: When a consumer indicates they are homeless, enter their address as listed below:

Mailing Address

Name of Consumer

General Delivery

City, State &  Zip

Physical Address

Name of Consumer


City, State &  Zip


NOTE: An auto-journal for the updated address is generated for any case where the consumer has an Administrative Role of Primary Applicant or Authorized Representative.


NOTE: If a Primary Applicant moves out of state, after updating the address and processing the changes, the worker should determine if the other agency (DCF or KDHE) has an Active Program. If another agency has an Active Program, the user should communicate the change to the other agency. See the Shared Data page on how address changes should be communicated.