Agency Action response
Meaning of the response
Action to take
Invoke Reverification
Also known as a Step 1a response..
The Hub VLP is not able to successfully verify non-citizenship due to inconsistent or inaccurate data.
- Review the Non-Citizenship page and the individuals name on the Individual Demographic screen for accuracy.
- After confirming that the information was entered accurately, return to the Verification Detail page.
- Click Edit. Select Step 1a – Re-Verification from the Next Step to Request dropdown.
- Click Save and Return. This will take you to the Verification Request List page.
- Click Request Verifications next to the INS Document Verification record, to resubmit the verification.
Reasonable Opportunity is not an option at this step.
Invoke Resubmit
Also known as a Step 1b response.
The SEVIS ID is incorrect or missing.
Review that the information was entered accurately on the Non-Citizenship page.
If the information was entered accurately or the SEVIS ID was not provided, contact with the consumer is necessary to obtain the correct SEVIS ID. The applicant must contact their school or sponsor to resolve the issue. Follow established case pending procedures.
Once images for the pending due date have been imaged, update the Non-Citizenship page with the information provided by the consumer. Return to the Verification Detail page for the appropriate INS Document record on the Verification List page.
Click Edit. Select Step 1b – ResubmitwithSEVISID from the Next Step to Request dropdown.
Click Save and Return. This will take you to the Verification Request List page.
Click Request Verifications next to the INS Document Verification Record, to resubmit the verification.
If the consumer did not provide the requested information, they will need to be denied for failure to provide.
Reasonable Opportunity is not an option at this step.
Agency Action response
Meaning of the response
Action to take
Also known as a Step 2 response.
The Hub VLP is not able to find a match in Step 1.
Click Edit from the Verification Detail page.
Submit a Step 2 request by selecting Step 2 – InitiateAdditionalVerif from the Next Step to Request dropdown from the Verification Detail Page.
Click Save and Return. This will take you to the Verification Request List page.
Click Request Verifications next to the INS Document Verification Record, to resubmit the verification.
Once the request is complete, the system will generate a VLP Step 2 Response Received task. This could take up to 5 days.
Reasonable Opportunity may be offered at this step, if appropriate. Follow current Reasonable Opportunity guidelines for non-citizens.
Also known as a Step 3 response.
The Hub VLP is not able to find a match in Step 2.
Attach documents to the request from the Verification List page (instructions included provided further in the presentation).
After attaching documents, select Step 3 – InitiateThirdVerif from the Next Step to Request dropdown from the Verification Detail page. Click Save and Return. Click Request Verifications next to the INS Document verification record, to resubmit the verification.
Once the request is complete, the system will generate a VLP Step 3 Response Received task. This could take up to 5 days.
Reasonable Opportunity is not an option at this step.
If the field is blank, this is indication that the DHS case is resolved.
Proceed with reviewing the detailed interface results by clicking Review History on the Verification Detail page. |
NOTE: Do not skip steps (i.e. do not proceed to Step 3 if Step 2 has not been completed). The only exception is if an applicant reported being Cuban, Haitian, or a Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) victim. If any of these are reported, Special processing applies.
Documents must be attached when requesting verification.