NOTE: Verify the consumer has no other health insurance coverage. Verify the consumer’s age; Breast and Cervical Cancer (BCC) coverage ends the month prior to the consumer turning 65. Screen the household for Caretaker Medical (CTM). If a consumer qualifies for CTM and BCC coverage, add a record for BCC on the Customer Options page. This tells KEES to opt-out of BCC and approve CTM coverage while retaining the BCC eligibility information.
Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Other Prog. Assist. from Task Navigation.
On the Other Program Assistance List page, click the Add button to access the Other Program Assistance Detail page.
Select the Consumer from the Name drop-down menu.
Select Early Detection Works from the Type of Assistance drop-down menu.
Enter the Early Detection Screening Date as found on the application.
Select Yes or No from the In Treatment drop-down menu.
Enter the Begin Date of the first date of approved program coverage.
Select the appropriate Medical Verified value from the drop-down menu.
Click the Save and Return button.