Caretaker Medical (CTM) should only be given to children if the caretaker is also receiving CTM.
A Caretaker Relative applies for themselves and the child(ren) in their care. The caretaker is over income for CTM and the child(ren) are within CTM income guidelines. In some instances, KEES gives the child(ren) CTM instead of PLN in error in this situation.
Follow the steps below to remove CTM from the hierarchy for the children when this occurs.
Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Customer Options from Task Navigation. The Customer Options List page displays.
Click the Add button. The Customer Options Detail page displays.
Select the child from the Name drop-down menu.
Select Caretaker Medical from the Type drop-down menu.
Select 1st date of application month for the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional records until all children are added.
Click the Save and Return button.