Continuous Eligibility Adjustment Reasons


When adjusting Continuous Eligibility, an Adjustment Reason is required. It is important to select the appropriate one.

Adjustment Reason

When to Use

Conversion Not Completed

Appears grayed out and is not to be used by staff.


Used when a Natural Disaster or Pandemic has occurred.

New Policy/Regulation Change

New Policy/Regulation Change and the system has not been updated.

Erroneous Calculation

EDBC did not calculate the CE correctly and there is no other reason that applies.

Change in Circumstance

When a reported Change now affects the CE Period.

Merge Adjustment

Appears grayed out and is only used when a merge has occurred.


When correcting CE due to an Appeal or Grievance determination.

Help Desk Adjustment

Only used by KEES Help Desk.

Late Review

When working a review late and CE needs to be update per policy.