Data Collection Page Desk Aid


This desk aid provides a description of the Non-Financial and Financial data collection pages used for Medical and Non-Medical programs. General data collection considerations and shared data considerations are listed in the desk aid.  

Data Acceptance Considerations:


Page Name


Data Considerations

Address Detail

Used to add or update an address for all current household members.   

  1. Look at the Begin Date of the existing address record in KEES. Reject or do not enter the ‘new’ address if the Begin Date of the existing address in KEES is AFTER the date of the application, review, or change being worked. It is possible that an address change was reported through another channel or to another agency prior to when the application, review, or change is picked up to work.  

  2. Always make sure there is a mailing and physical address listed.

  3. Do not edit historical addresses. Same day editing is allowable; all other situations should utilize the Add function.

  4. Run EDBC to process the denial or closure when the address change alters Kansas residency.

Individual Demographics

Used to add or update information such as name, social security number, marital status, phone number, etc. for case person(s).

  1. Data should be validated as correct before using it to update any personal identifying information that already exists in KEES such as Name, DOB, and SSN. Neglecting to validate data is correct before entering it or accepting it in KEES can cause the creation of duplicate people.

  2. The Is this Individual a U.S. Citizen? field is used by Non-Medical rules to verify Citizenship and should only be completed by DCF staff.  

  3. If the consumer is Active on Medical and Non-Medical programs:

    • Do not select a new Verified field for DOB if it is already indicated as Verified.

    • Do not select a new Verified field for SSN is it is already indicated as HUB-SSA or SSA-SVES.

    • Do not change the selection from the Is this individual a Veteran? drop-down menu.  

  4. If American Indian or Alaskan Native is already checked for Race/Ethnicity Origin DCF staff should not uncheck. This field is used for Medical programs.

  • Used by DCF to indicate verification of Identity

  • Used by Medical staff to indicate verification of citizenship and identity.

  1. DCF uses the Non-Medical Identity Verified field to indicate that the consumer's ID has been provided. Non-Medical programs that require citizenship verification use the Individual Demographics page to record the information

  2. Existing values on this page should NOT be altered by DCF, with the exception of the Non-Medical Verified field.  

Household Status

Used to record whether a consumer is in or out of the home for budgeting purposes and also indicates TANF Shared Living.  

  1. To maintain an accurate historical record, always add a new record when updating or changing Household status.

  2. When a consumer moves from the household a Household Status record should be added.  If no record exists, KEES assumes the consumer is in the Home.  

  3. Household Status does not follow a person from case to case. Adding or updating Household Status records on a DCF case number will not impact the Medical case number and vice versa.  


All people on a case need an assigned relationship to all other program members.  

  1. To maintain an accurate historical record, changes to relationships should be completed through adding the new relationship, thus end dating the previous relationship.

  2. Relationships are reciprocal and only need to be entered once.

  3. When updating, editing, or adding verification to an existing relationship staff will receive a soft warning Error Warning – change to relationship can affect another case. Verify the information is accurate before click the Save and Return button.  

  4. The Verification field on this page is separated for Medical and Non-Medical programs. Only update the verification field that corresponds to the program being processed.  

  5.  Care and Control: when the Care and Control box is checked it is necessary to indicate the Program type. This is done by clicking on Medical or Non-Medical in the Care and Control Programs text box.


Used to document all non-citizens.  

To maintain an accurate historical record, always add a new record when updating or changing non-citizenship status.


Used to identify if an individual is pregnant, has delivered, or the pregnancy was terminated.  

A Program Type drop-down menu separates this page. Medical and Non-Medical records are not shared.  

Residency *Used by Medical Only

Used to add or update Kansas residency for a case person(s) on a Medical program.  

This page should only be used by KDHE for medical programs. DCF should not make changes to this page.

Other Program Assistance (OPA)

DCF: Used for adding or editing information for consumers that are receiving benefits from another source.  

Medical: Used for SOBRA, BCC, MediKan, ICAMA, ICPC and TB eligibility information.



Used to document a failure to provide, failure to cooperate, a penalty record and/or fraud.  


Time Limits *Used by DCF Only

Used to record TANF, ABAWD and Child Care Post-Secondary Education Months.


Purchase and Prepare *Used by DCF Only

Used to record the Primary Applicant on the case and any other individuals that are not mandatory for the filing unit but they purchase and prepare meals together.  


School Attendance *Used by DCF Only

Records school attendance for determining if a Food Assistance recipient is required to meet student eligibility criteria and for TANF eligibility when a child, age 7-18, is included in the assistance plan.  



Used to add or edit employment records.

  1. Employment information entered on this page is tied to wages entered on the Income Detail page. Self-Employment businesses are only entered on the Income Detail page, NOT on the Employment Detail page.

  2. Employment records are Person Level--Medical and Non-Medical records appear on all cases regardless of what program is associated to the record. Since KEES does not have a way to distinguish program, the Shared Data solution for this page is for DCF staff to place an (*) before the Employer’s name to indicate the record is for Non-Medical.

  3. The Status Information block on the Employment Detail page is only used by Non-Medical rules. However, if both a Medical and Non-Medical record exist with the Status Information block completed, rules will count the hours entered on both records since KEES cannot distinguish between a Medical and Non-Medical record on this page. This would result in an incorrect determination for Food Assistance Student Eligibility and FAET Participation Status. If a Medical Employment record exists (an Employment record without an *), click the hyperlink and verify there is no information present in the Status Information block. If data exists, click the Edit button to make the page editable and use the check box to select the record and click the Remove button. Save the record.

  4. DCF Employment Services can use this page to view information. Any employment information, including self-employment, regarding a Work Programs or FAET/GOALS Activity is added to the Customer Activity Detail page.  

Striker *Used by DCF Only

Completing the Striker Detail page disqualifies an applicant from receiving TANF.

In order for striker income to be counted for FA, the user needs to create an income record for the 'Before Strike Income'

Work Registration *Used by DCF Only

The Work Regist. (Work Registration) page is used to record work registration status(es), indicating whether a consumer is mandatory or exempt for Employment Services.  


Living Arrangements

Used to record when a consumer is in a special living situation. KEES utilizes this record to determine if the consumer is in a living arrangement that allows benefits.  


LTC Data *Used by Medical Only

Used to add or edit information received from community partners on the 2126, 3160, and 3161 forms for individuals requesting LTC Medical programs.  


Noncustodial Parents

Used to send referrals to Child Support Services (CSS).

Update the Non-Custodial Parent Detail page to show that Paternity is confirmed when confirmation of established paternity is received from Child Support Services (CSS).  

Medical Condition

Medical: Used for E&D medical program persons under age 65 and claiming to have a disability.  

DCF: Used to determine if a consumer is Mandatory or Exempt for Work Programs/FAE&T and for certain Food Assistance and TANF eligibility rules.  

  1. A batch interface could create or update an Active Medical Condition at the time of registration or if a consumer is determined disabled by SSA.  

  2. The Medical Condition record displays at the person level. Person level records display on all cases on which the consumer is a case person.


Used to add or change income records for a case.

A Program Type drop-down menu separates this page. Medical and Non-Medical records are not shared.


Used to add or change resource records for a case.

A Program Type drop-down menu separates this page. Medical and Non-Medical records are not shared.


Used to record expenses for Food Assistance, TANF, and Elderly and Disabled Medical programs.  

  1. Medical expenses are person level records and follow a person from case to case regardless of program type. Refer to KEES Expense Values in the KEES User Manual for a detailed list of values used by program.  

  2. Follow these steps when a new Medical application is received with a request for Prior Medical and there is already an Active Food Assistance program with a Health Insurance Premium that does not match the current Medical verified Premium:

    • Add a Medical only Expense record using the difference between the two Premiums as the Amount. The Medical Expense Category and Type is Medical Expense. The Begin Date is the first day of the first Prior Medical month and the End Date is the last day of the month prior to the come up month.   

    • Add an Expense record for the current Premium Amount using the first day of the come up month as the Begin Date. Use an Expense Category of Health Insurance Premiums with the applicable Expense Type. This will update the amount on both cases.  

Tax *Used by Medical Only

Used to determine each consumer's individual budgeting unit


Medicare Expense

Used to record a Medicare Expense to be used at EBDC in a benefit calculation.


Medical Subrogation *Used by Medical Only

Used for capturing information when there is a possibility to recover medical expenses from a third party.  


Other Health Insurance *Used by Medical Only

Used to capture information for a consumer's third party private insurance.