
The Employment Detail page is used to add or edit employment records on a case.  Complete this page when a consumer is working.  Only mandatory fields need to be completed on this page. Employment information entered on this page is tied to wages entered on the Income Detail page.

To complete the Employment page:

    1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Employment from Task Navigation. The Employment List page displays.

    2. Click the Add button. The Employment Detail page displays.

    3. Select the Name of the Employed Person on the case from the Name drop-down menu.

    4. Select the appropriate Category of Employment from the Category drop-down menu.

    5. Enter the name of the Employer in the Employer field.

    6. Select a Status from the drop-down menu in the Verified field.

    7. Click the Save and Return button.

    8. Start the process over again by clicking Add on the Employment List page if additional employment information needs to be added.