Family Medical Spenddown Worksheet



The Family Medical Spenddown Worksheet is used when estimating a potential spenddown as well as in combination with Workaround 61 to determine the amount of the spenddown to be used when overriding EDBC.  


General Instructions

Enter the Case Name and Case Number at the top of the Spenddown Worksheet.  This information will automatically populate onto the Medical Expenses tab.  

Users will enter the Total Gross Income and Household Size to calculate the Spenddown Amount.  The Protected Income Limit is automatically generated based on the Household Size entered.  This populates the initial spenddown, the amount the consumer will have to meet before any expenses are applied.

Once expenses are applied using the Medical Expenses tab, the amount will update in the Remaining Spenddown Amount field.  The amount shown in this field will be used when completing the process outlined in Workaround 61.  


Entering Medical Expenses

Data collected on this tab will assist the worker in calculating the Remaining Spenddown once expenses have been applied.  Each expense will be added to the worksheet by entering the Role, Name (of the person the expense is for), Provider Information, Date of Service, Total Charge, and Client Obligation.  Only the Client Obligation amount will be deducted from the Initial Spenddown.  The total Client Obligation will then feed automatically into the Spenddown tab under Expenses in either the Prior or Current spenddown base period.  The base period expenses are applied to on the Spenddown tab is determined by the value chosen in the Base Period drop-down on the Medical Expense tab.

Two spenddown worksheets will be needed to allow expenses (due & owing, health insurance premiums) toward both a Prior and a Current spenddown base period.  

Both tabs of the Spenddown Worksheet will need to be imaged to the KEES case.  


Accessing the Spenddown Worksheet

Select the Family Medical Spenddown Worksheet hyperlink to access the worksheet.