HCBS to Institutional Care - Temporary Stay


  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select LTC Data on the Task Navigation menu. The LTC Data List page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button for the current HCBS record. The LTC Data Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Add button in the Temporary Care Dates block at the bottom of the page. The Temporary Care Details page displays.

  4. Enter the Temporary Care Admission Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.  If the Temporary Care Discharge Date is known, enter the date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon, otherwise this field can be left blank.

  5. Click the Save and Return button. The LTC Data Detail page displays. If additional Temporary Stays need added repeat STEP 3 - STEP 4.

  6. Click the Save and Return button when all Temporary Care Dates have been added. The LTC Data List page displays.

  7. Select Run EDBC from Task Navigation to run EDBC for the month the change occurs. The Run EDBC page displays. See Running EDBC for detailed steps.

  8. Select the Benefit Month the change takes place from the drop-down menu then click the Select button.

  9. Select the Program using the check box then click the Run EDBC button.

  10. Click the Medical hyperlink on the EDBC List page. The Medical EDBC Summary page displays.

  11. Click the Eligible Budgets hyperlink to check that the LTC Details have accurate start and end dates. If the dates are incorrect the user needs to correct the LTC Data Detail page(s).

  12. Click the Close button. The Medical EDBC Summary page displays.

  13. Click the Accept button if the EDBC Result is correct. The EDBC List page displays.

  14. Click the Save and Continue button.

  15. If the consumer is still in the facility as part of the Temporary Stay Run EDBC for each month of the temporary stay through the discharge month or the come-up month if the consumer is still in the temporary stay. If the consumer has discharged from the facility, only run EDBC for the month(s) of the temporary stay.

  16. Send Notices. See  Manual NOA Generation and Generating a Form for an Institutional Care Facility for detailed steps on sending notifications.

  17. Select Journal from Utility Navigation.  Record a Journal entry of the actions taken on the case.  See Journal for more information about journaling functionality.