Income for Children and Tax Dependents


A child or tax dependent’s income is not counted until they meet the threshold required to file taxes.


Applying the Income for Children and Tax Dependents flow chart.


When running EDBC, the earned income threshold is being applied to all countable income instead of just their earned income.





Within the context of the case:


  1. Review the income for each child or tax dependent to determine if either the earned income or unearned interest threshold has been met.

  2. Enter all income records appropriately on the income data collection pages.

  3. If neither threshold has been met, add an End Date prior to the eligibility Begin Date to the records to prevent them from being counted. This also preserves the data for historical accuracy. Run EDBC for all months eligibility needs to be determined.

  4. Once EDBC has been ran, accepted, and saved; remove the End Date (this will ensure the income will appear on the Review form).


NOTE: Workers needs to read the Journal when processing applications, reviews, and change requests to determine if and when a child’s income may become countable.