May 2022 Release Medical EDBC Override for PHE



SOBRA has never been a CE Program, however, KEES currently sets a CE Period for it in error. With the May 2022 Release, this has been corrected and staff will no longer be able to extend the CE Period to protect the SOBRA coverage during the PHE. For all SOBRA programs (excluding SOBRA PW) please use the following workaround instructions during PHE.


Note: The below steps assume that the EDBC has been run and an individual(s) will be discontinued.


All SOBRA (excluding SOBRA PW)

  1. In the Other Program Assistance Detail page, in the End Date of Treatment field, update this date to the last day of the come up month. Click the Save and Return button.

  1. Run EDBC for the come up month. Review the EDBC Medical Summary page to ensure the member remains active on SOBRA coverage in the Eligible Budgets, in the Medical Summary section.

NOTE: There will not be a CE period for this member in the Continuous Eligibility, in the Medical Summary section.

  1. Click the Accept button if the results are correct. Click the Cancel button if the results are not what the user expected.

  1. Click the Save and Continue button.

  2. Create a Journal using the following approved Journal language: In accordance with its Disaster Relief SPA and 1135 waiver, coverage will be temporarily extended for current recipients as indicated in Policy Directive 2020- 03-01.

  3. Create a manual Form if needed, using the Standard Copy and Paste spreadsheet as an overridden EDBC will never create a NOA.


Other MAGI Programs

With the May 2022 Release, CE will no longer protect a consumer who has failed non-financial categorical eligibility. Staff will no longer be able to extend the CE Period to protect the coverage during the PHE for the following consumers:

The following process is to be used when overriding EDBC to ensure that individuals normally discontinued remain eligible for continued coverage. Due to the CMS mandate, coverage should continue during the emergency COVID-19 crisis (PHE).


Note: The below steps assume that the EDBC has been run and an individual(s) will be discontinued.


  1. From the Medical EDBC Summary page, click the Override Program Configuration button.

  1. On the Program Configuration page, update the following fields:

  1. Click the Override button next to consumer who needs information updated.

  1. On the Program Configuration Override Detail page in the User Override section update the following fields:

  1. Click Save and Return button.

  1. On the Program Configuration Override List page, click the Save and Return button.

  1. On the Medical EDBC Summary page, click the Override Medical Summary at the bottom of the page.

  1. The Medical EDBC Override List page displays. Next build a new budget.

  1. Building a budget:

    1. From the Medicaid EDBC Override List page click the Add button.

  1. From the Medicaid EDBC Override Detail page, in the User Override complete the following fields:

In the Individual Budget Unit (IBU) section complete the following fields:

  1. CTM/CH: Caretaker Medical – Children

  2. CTM/PA: Caretaker Medical – Parent or Caretaker

  3. PLN/PW: Poverty Level Programs – Pregnancy Woman

  4. PLN/PW SOBRA: Poverty Level Programs – Pregnancy Woman SOBRA

  5. PLN for children ages 1-5: Poverty Level Programs – 1-5 Year Olds

  6. PLN for children ages 6-19: PLP – Age 6-18 FPL less than 113

  7. PLT/CHIP: For 19 year olds:

Title XXI – Age 6-18 (for $0 premium)

Title XXI – Age 6-18 Cost Share (for a $20 or $30 premium)


Title XXI – Pregnant Woman (for $0 premium)

Title XXI – Pregnant Woman Cost Share (for a $20 or $30 premium)

Note: Be sure to include all people that will be part of the individual’s IBU:

  1. Click the Save and Return button to go back to the Medicaid EDBC Override List page. Continue to step 10.

  1. If overriding a CE Eligible Aid Code, the Continuous Eligibility Override Detail page displays. If overriding for a non-CE eligible aid code, skip to step 11.

    1. Enter the CE End Month using the <MM/YYYY> format or the calendar icon. The CE End Month should create a 4-month CE Period. Example: Come up month is 6/22, CE End Month is 10/22.

  1. Select the Adjustment Reason: Disaster

  1. Repeat step 10 for all applicants requiring a CE End Month adjustment.

  1. The Medical EDBC Override List page displays again. Now the budget has been created. Check the box next to the budget and click Save and Return.

  1. The EDBC Medical Summary page now displays showing the newly created budget for our consumer. Click the Accept button.

  1. The EDBC List page displays. Click Save and Continue button.

  1. Create a Journal using the following approved Journal language:

In accordance with its Disaster Relief SPA and 1135 waiver, coverage will be temporarily extended for current recipients as indicated in Policy Directive 2020-03-01.

  1. Create a manual Form if needed, using the Standard Copy and paste spreadsheet as an overridden EDBC will never create a NOA.


Add A Person

If an Add A Person request is received, the above override instructions will need to be followed to continue any consumer that meets the below criteria. This would apply to each month EDBC is ran for the person being added.