Income can be entered as monthly if the amount does not change and it is received once a month. If the amount varies or is received more than once a month, proceed to Prospective Budgeting.
See the steps under Adding Income for help navigating to the Income Detail page.
Select Once a Month from the Frequency drop-down menu.
Enter the Claim Number, including any letters if applicable.
NOTE: For Social Security, EDBC uses the Claim Number to help determine eligibility for Protected Medical Groups. If the consumer is drawing benefits from more than one Social Security Claim Number, all corresponding Social Security Income needs to be added to the Income List page as separate records.
Select the appropriate Program from the Display Programs drop-down menu under the Income Amounts.
Click the Add button.
Enter the amount in the Reported Amount field.
NOTE: If a consumer applying for Working Healthy or Long Term Care has requested Prior Medical coverage, income information must be entered in the Average Calculator versus the Reported Amount field in order to be budgeted on EDBC.
NOTE: The Unreported Amount field is not used in Phase 2.
Enter a Begin Date of the first day of application month or the first day of the first medical month for prior medical requests.
NOTE: If using actual income for a prior medical month, the End Date should be the last day of the month.
Verify the information by selecting a value using the Verified drop-down menu.
Select the source for the verification using the Source drop-down menu.
Click the Save and Return button to navigate to the Income Detail page.
NOTE: The PMG questions must be answered in order for KEES to correctly determine PMG. However, not ALL the questions should be answered. Answers should only be selected for the type of PMG needed. For example, only answer the PICKLE questions for a potential PICKLE, if the consumer is suspected to be a PICKLE.
Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional records. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button.