Negative Action for Resource Assessment Only


If the consumer is requesting a Resource Assessment Only and not requesting an eligibility determination the application needs to be denied using a Negative Action.

From the Case Summary page:

  1. Click the View Details button. The Resource Assessment Only Medical program block displays.

  2. Click the Edit button on the Medical Program Detail page.

  3. Click the Edit button in the Program Persons section.

  4. Click the Add button in the Requested Medical Type section.

  5. Select LTC from the Requested Medical Type drop-down menu.

  6. Enter the Begin Month as the month of application.

  7. Click the Save and Return button until the Case Summary page displays.

  8. Select Negative Action from Task Navigation from the Case Summary page.

  9. Select the Application Month from the Benefit Month drop-down menu.

  10. Select the program person using the Person check box.

  11. Select Requested Exclusion from the Negative Action Reason drop-down menu.

  12. Select the Run EDBC for this program check box to select the correct Medical program block.

  13. Click the Run EDBC button. The EDBC List page displays. See Running EDBC for detailed steps.

  14. Select the Medical hyperlink with a Run Status of Not Accepted and review the EDBC Summary.

  15. Accept the EDBC result on the Medical EDBC Summary if the EDBC is correct.

  16. Click the Save and Continue button on the EDBC List page.

  17. Delete the denial NOA that populates and send the appropriate notification on the Distributed Document Search page.

    NOTE: See Forms and NOAs and Journal for steps on sending notification and documenting case action.