Non-Custodial Parents - Data Acceptance


The Noncustodial Parent Detail page is used to send referrals to Child Support Services.

To add or update a non-custodial parent record for a case person(s):

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Noncustodial Parents from Task Navigation. The Noncustodial Parent List page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button. The case person where the New indicator displays. The Noncustodial Parent Detail page displays.

NOTE: Information received through the e-Application may be newly reported, updated, or duplicated information.

NOTE: Newly reported information is a record on a new non-custodial parent. Updated information includes information reported on a known non-custodial parent. Duplicated information is a record reported for an already known non-custodial parent with no new information.