Access Perceptive Content

Perceptive Content is the software solution for capturing, indexing and viewing documents associated with cases in KEES.  It stands alone, separate of KEES, and requires a login.


  1. Double click the Perceptive Content icon on the desktop. The Perceptive Content Login page displays.

  2.  Enter the User name and Password.

  3. Click the Connect button.  The Perceptive Content Toolbar displays.

Shortcuts in Perceptive Content

Perceptive Content Explorer

Description Shortcut Keys
Help F1
Refresh F5
Select All Ctrl + A
File Properties Ctrl + I
Open File Ctrl + O
Print File Ctrl + P
Email File Ctrl +M
Export File Ctrl + X
Delete Del

Perceptive Content Viewer

Description Shortcut Keys
Print Ctrl + P
Zoom In Ctrl + + (number pad)
Zoom Out Ctrl + - (number pad)
Resize Fit Image F2
Resize Fit Width F3
Resize Fit Height F4
Rotate Left Alt + Left Arrow
Rotate Right Alt + Right Arrow
Pan Image Up Up Arrow
Pan Image Down Down Arrow
Top of Image Ctrl + Up Arrow + Home
Bottom of Image Ctrl + Down Arrow + End
Left Margin Ctrl + Left Arrow
Right Margin Ctrl + Right Arrow
Next Page Ctrl + Page Down
Previous Page Ctrl + Page Up
First Page Ctrl + Home
Last Page Ctrl + End
Scale to Gray (Toggle) F6
Reset Pointer (Disable Current Annotation) Alt + End
Select Annotation Ctrl + Click
View Properties F7
Show Keywords F8
Thumbnails F9
Invert F11

Documents Grid

Description Shortcut Keys
View Selected Enter
Delete Selected Del
Scroll Down Page Down
Scroll Up Page Up
Page Down Ctrl + Page Down
Page Up Ctrl + Page Up
Refresh F5
Find Ctrl + F
Properties Ctrl + I; Alt + Enter
Keywords (Notes) Ctrl + K
Column Select Right Ctrl + Right Arrow
Column Select Left Ctrl + Left Arrow
Sort Ascending Ctrl + Up Arrow
Sort Descending Ctrl + Down Arrow