Account Unlinking Steps

A.     Locate Account Unlinking Task(s)

Once submitted from the SSP, Account Unlinking requests are submitted to KEES and a task is generated that can be accessed via the Task Inventory page.


To access Account Unlinking tasks:

  1. Sign into the KEES Homepage.

  2. In the My Work portlet, click the View All button. The Task Inventory page displays.

  3. Select and/or enter desired search criteria from the appropriate fields.

  4. Click the Search button. The Search Results Summary list displays at the bottom of the page.

  5. Claim the SSP Unlink Request Task and open the Task Details.

  6. Click the Review Recipient Data hyperlink in the Task Details. The Unlink Request Summary page displays.


B.      Unlink Accounts

A worker completes the Account Unlinking process via the Unlink Request Summary page. The Unlink Request Summary page allows a worker to view detailed information about the SSP account holder, Case information submitted from SSP, Person Information, as well as Account Linking Information.


To complete the Account Unlinking process:

  1. In the Account Linking Information block, select the checkbox for the case to be unlinked.

  2. Click the Unlink button. The Unlink Confirmation Summary page displays.

    NOTE: The case number is a link under the Case Number heading and Processed is static text under the Status heading.

  3. When the Account Linking Process is complete return to the Task, update the Status Reason then click the Complete button.