Add/Update Alias Information

It is important to maintain accurate alias information for consumers.  Name changes are to be documented in two places on the Individual Demographics Detail page. This ensures KEES maintains all names associated with the consumer.

Within the context of the case:

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Individual Demographics from Task Navigation. The Individual Demographics List page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button for the case person the user is updating information for.  The Individual Demographic Detail page displays.  

  3. Confirm the First Name and Last Name, including spelling.  

  4. If name is incorrect or has changed, enter the First Name and Last Name as displayed in the Previous Names section near the bottom of the page.

  5. Select the appropriate Name Type from the drop-down menu in the Previous Names section.

NOTE:  If the Name Type is Birth/Maiden, enter the Maiden Name in the Name section near the top of the page and select the Name Type.

  1. Enter the correct or new First Name and/or Last Name in the Name section near the top of the page.

  2. Click the Save and Return button.  The Individual Demographics List page displays.

  3. To return to the Case Summary page, select Case Summary from Local Navigation.