Adding a Needs Record

NOTE: Workers should not create a Need record for those SMART providers who submit billing statements for their services for multiple consumers.  For these providers, a need and service arrangement should only be set up at the time of payment in an effort to avoid creating duplicate needs and service arrangements when Work Programs and FAET Mass Payments are completed.

NOTE:  Bus Pass or Gas Card should not be selected. The tracking and issuing of control valuables such as gift cards, gas cards, and bus passes are handled off system.

NOTE:  A Need Category of Job Search/Job Retention and a Need Type of Job Retention Coaching should be selected when issuing a Work Retention Payment to a consumer.

Adding a Needs Record

  1. Select Services from Global Navigation. Select Appraisal from Local Navigation. Select Needs from Task Navigation. The Needs List page displays.

  2. Click the Add Need button. The Needs Detail page displays.

  3. Select the consumer’s Name from the drop-down menu.

  4. Select a Category from the drop-down menu.

  5. Select a Type from the drop-down menu. Bus Pass or Gas Card should not be selected.

  6. The Begin Date auto-populates with the current date. If appropriate, enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  7. Select the Status from the drop-down menu.

    NOTE: In order to generate a Service Arrangement, Identified must be selected. If Met or Denied is selected, the End Date field dynamically displays and should be completed if appropriate.

  8. Select a Status Reason from the drop-down menu.

  9. Click the Save and Return button. The Needs List page display.