Adding a TOP Claim

  1. Select Fiscal from Global Navigation.

  2. Select TOP from Local Navigation. The TOP Search page displays.

  3. Select Add Claim from Task Navigation. The Add Claim page displays.

  4. Enter the Case Number in the text box then click the Search button. All claims associated to the case number display in the results.

  5. Select the radio button for the claim to add to TOP then click the Add to TOP button. The Add Claim to TOP page displays.

NOTE: If the claim is already on TOP, the Message field displays “Claim already on TOP”.

  1. Enter a Delinquent Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  2. Click the Submit button if the entered information is correct, otherwise click the Cancel button.  The Add Claim page redisplays with the Message “Claim already on TOP”.