Adding an Activity - SMART Providers

SMART Providers for Employment Services must have an activity associated to a service.

Follow the steps below to add an activity:

  1. Select Resource Databank from Global Navigation.  The Resource Search page displays.

  2. Enter basic search criteria.

  3. Click the Search button.  A list of resources fitting the user’s search criteria displays.

    NOTE: If the search results are not satisfactory, click Refine Your Search and enter additional or different search criteria.  

    NOTE: The search results can be sorted using the ‘carets’ below each listed column.  Only one column can be sorted at a time.  Additional columns of information can be obtained by clicking the View Detailed Results button on the Resource Search page.  The Resource Search Detailed Results page displays information about the resource such as: service category, status, additional information and phone number.

  4. Click the Hyperlink for the correct provider.  The Resource Detail page displays.  This places the user within the context of the Provider on the Resource Detail page.

  5. Select Services from Task Navigation.  The Service List page displays.

  6. Click the Hyperlink for the correct service.  The Service Detail page displays.

  7. Select Activities from Task Navigation.  The Activity List page displays.

  8. Click the Add Activity button.  The Activity Detail page displays.

  9. In the Activity Information section:

  10. In the Contract Information section, select Yes or No from Is this Activity contracted? drop-down menu.

  11. Click the Save button.  The Activity Detail page displays in view only mode.

  12. Click the Close button.  The Activity List page displays.