Adding an FAET Program Block

The FAET Status List page is used to create a FAET program block, record work registration statuses, add or edit work registrations and/or program statuses for FAET programs.

Sections of the FAET page include:

To Add a FAET Program Block

  1. Within the context of a case, select Services from Global Navigation. Select FAET from Task Navigation. The FAET Status List page displays.

  2. Select the consumer’s Name from the drop-down menu.

NOTE:  To view FAET participation records for the selected consumer, click the View button.

  1. Click the Add button in the Work Registration section. The Work Registration Detail page displays.

NOTE: The Registration Status defaults to Mandatory.

  1. Select a Program Type from the drop-down menu.

  2. Enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  3. Click the Save and Return button. The FAET Status List page displays.

  4. Select Case Summary from Local Navigation.  The FAET program block displays on this page.

  5. Complete Manual Assignment – Non-Medical to assign the program block to a Worker ID.