Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH) - Create an ADH Request

To create a request for an Administrative Disqualification Hearing, follow these steps:

  1. Select Special Units from Global Navigation.

  2. Select ADH from Local Navigation. The Administrative Disqualification Search page displays.

  3. Complete a search for an existing hearing request by clicking Refine Your Search.

    NOTE: Click the Remove button for Assigned To: if the Worker ID has defaulted.

  4. Enter the desired search criteria then click the Search button.

    NOTE: Users are searching for an ADH record associated to the ADH being worked.  Users should not re-open a closed ADH record for a past request. Only modify an existing ADH record if it is related to the current hearing request.

  5. If no hearing record exists for the existing ADH request, click the Add ADH button. The Administrative Disqualification Detail page displays.

    NOTE: If an ADH Detail exists, use the ADH ID hyperlink to access the Administrative Disqualification Detail. Use the Edit button to open the page for editing. Make any updates, then click the Save button.

  6. Click the Select button below Case Number to select the case needing the Administrative Disqualification Hearing. The Select Person page displays.

  7. Use the Case Number or a Person Search to locate the appellant’s case then click the Search button. The results display.

  8. Select the correct person using the radio button then click the Select button.

    NOTE: If the person has more than one case number, the Select Case page displays. Use the radio button to select the correct case number then click the Select button. Once the person/case is selected the Administrative Disqualification Detail displays with the Case Number listed.

  9. Select the Program from drop-down menu on the Administrative Disqualification Detail page.

  10. Select the Person from the drop-down menu.

  11. Select the Status from the drop-down menu.

  12. When all fields are completed, click the Save button.  KEES assigns an ADH ID number.

NOTE: If necessary, send the Request for Administrative Hearing form ES-1100. See Generating a Form for more information.