Appending a Journal Entry - Non-Medical

Appending a Journal Entry allows the user to add additional information to an existing journal entry. All users may append manual journal entries including automatic journal entries created in a user’s name. A journal entry may be appended an unlimited number of times. Journal entries cannot be sorted or filtered by the date the entry was appended. It is best practice to avoid appending journal entries unless the appended information relates directly to the original journal entry.

From within the context of a case:

  1. Click Journal from Utility Navigation. The Journal List window opens.

  2. From the Journal List window, select the check box to the left of the entry to be appended.

  3. Click the Append button to open the Journal Entry window.

  4. Make the desired changes in the Append text box.

  5. Review the narrative then click the Save button to save the entry and return to the Journal List window.

  6. Close the Journal List window. When the user reopens the Journal for the case, the appended journal entry displays with the original journal entry.