Approving KDHE Licensed and CC Centers

Approving KDHE Licensed and Child Care Center Resources

KDHE Licensed and Child Care Centers are added to the RDB through the CLARIS Interface. The Child Care Provider Enrollment Staff is responsible for activating KDHE Licensed Providers in the KEES Resource Databank. For more information see Adding KDHE Licensed and Child Care Center Providers to the Resource Databank.

To Approve KDHE Licensed and Child Care Center Resources

  1. Select Resource Databank from Global Navigation. The Resource Search page displays.

  2. Enter basic search criteria.

  1. Click the Search button. The Search Results display.

  2. Click the Edit button for the provider. The Resource Detail page displays.

  3. In the Basic Information section, complete the mandatory fields.

  1. If the provider should be linked to a Headquarter, complete the following fields in the Language Information section:

NOTE:  The Is this provider known to an active case? and Is this provider a State employee? questions are populated based on Social Security Number matches as entered in the Tax Information through the SMART Interface and a search through KEES.

  1. In the Tax Information section:

  1. The Physical Address is populated by the CLARIS Interface.  If applicable, add a Billing or Mailing Address.

  1. The Phone Information is populated by the CLARIS Interface.  Add or update the Phone Information, if applicable. The Add button does NOT need to be clicked for the first line of information.

  2. In the Internet Information section, enter an email address if known.

  1. In the Child Care Information section:

NOTE: The Parent Provider Contract Approval Date must be today’s date or a future date.

NOTE: The EBT Referral Date must be today’s date or a future date.

  1. In the Maintainer Information section:

  1. Click the Select button under Worker ID. The Select Worker page displays.

  1. Click the Save button. The Resource Detail page displays.