Authorized Representative

An Authorized Representative (AR) is someone who is affiliated with a case but is not always a case person. Unless the AR is also a case person, their information is not be used by KEES rules to determine eligibility. As a result, people who are ARs only, meaning they are not a case member on any other case/program in KEES, are not assigned a Client ID by KEES.

Authorized Representative Processes - Non-Medical

General Information

NOTE: A Child Care provider associated to an active Child Care program cannot be an Authorized Representative on the case.  See KEESM 1523.4 for more information.

Adding an Authorized Representative Business Process Diagram

This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized when a consumer designates an Authorized Representative on their paper or SSP application or review, or through a verbal request.

Visio diagram of the steps depicted in the verbiage below.

Business Process Steps

NOTE: See Adding an Authorized Representative or End Dating an Authorized Representative for detailed steps.

Red/Green/Blue/Purple Team Worker:

NOTE: Always add the AR as a New Person if they are part of a helping agency. Only select a person already known to KEES if they are not part of a helping agency.

Identified Changes


Key Process Considerations