CSS Referral Process

Child Support Services (CSS) Referral and Non-Compliance Process

This business process flow shows the high-level steps utilized by KEES to send and receive CSS referrals, non-compliance records, and compliance information between KEES and the CSS System.

Business Process Diagram

Visio depicting the steps outlined in the verbiage below.

Business Process Steps

Eligibility Worker:


Child Support Services (CSS):

Mail Receiver/Imager:


See the table below for more information on data used to set the non-compliance record when the program and person are Active.



Child Care Food Assistance
Type Child Support Child Support Child Support

1st Penalty

2nd Penalty

3rd Penalty

4th Penalty

1st Penalty

2nd Penalty

3rd Penalty

4th Penalty

Food Assistance
Begin Date First Day of the come up month considering timely notice based on the creation date from CSS First Day of the come up month considering timely notice based on the creation date from CSS Creation Date from CSS

End Date

Defaults based on reason selected Defaults based on reason selected Blank
Override End Date   12/31/9999


Compliance Date Blank Blank Blank
Program Type TANF/RCA Child Care Food Assistance


When CSS indicates a consumer’s cooperation in the CSS system, KEES updates the non-compliance record.




Child Care
Override End Date Sets to the End Date used at the time of the tiered penalty creation Sets to the End Date used at the time of the tiered penalty creation
Compliance Date Date of Cooperation Date of Cooperation



TANF Child Care Food Assistance
Override End Date Last Day of the Month based on the Date of the Cooperation  Last Day of the Month based on the Date of the Cooperation Last Day of the Month based on the Date of the Cooperation
Compliance Date Date of Cooperation Date of Cooperation Date of Cooperation


Key Process Considerations

Expedited Paternity:

Sending a CSS Referral:

Receiving CSS Non-Compliance Information:

NOTE: Two non-compliances are set for TANF and/or Child Care, one for each program.

See the table below for more information on data used to set the non-compliance record when the program and person are not active, or if the person is an Active minor parent.


TANF Child Care Food Assistance
Type CSS Non-Cooperation

CSS Non-Cooperation

Child Support
Reason CSS Non-Cooperation CSS Non-Cooperation Food Assistance
Begin Date Creation Date from CSS Creation Date from CSS

Creation Date from CSS

End Date

Blank Blank Blank
Override End Date Blank Blank Blank
Compliance Date Does Not Display Does Not Display Blank
Program Type TANF/RCA Child Care Food Assistance


Receiving CSS Compliance Information:

General Considerations: