The CSS Interface communicates non-cooperation and cooperation status of an individual to KEES. KEES then creates or updates non-compliance records as outlined in the Child Support (CSS) Penalty Process below. If KEES is unable to create or update a non-compliance record, an alert task is generated for the Purple Queue. For detailed instructions on how to handle these tasks see Troubleshooting Child Support (CSS) Penalty and/or Troubleshooting when a Child Support (CSS) Penalty is Cured.
This business process flow shows the high-level steps utilized by KEES to send and receive CSS referrals, non-compliance records, and compliance information between KEES and the CSS System.
Create a CSS referral if:
At least one parent of a child receiving benefits is not currently in the home. See Adding a Noncustodial Parent Record for detailed steps.
The consumer meets the Expedited Paternity criteria. See Adding a Noncustodial Parent Record for detailed steps.
Finish processing the case and run EDBC. See Running EDBC – Non-Medical.
Send a referral to CSS via the CSS Interface for all individuals who have a Noncustodial Parent Detail record on approved applications.
NOTE: KEES does not send referrals to CSS for denied applications.
Act on the CSS Referral received from KEES and engage the consumer in cooperation with CSS.
Indicate Non-Cooperation in the CSS System if the consumer does not cooperate and is actively receiving Food Assistance, TANF, and/or Child Care in KEES.
Complete the Memorandum form and email it to the DCF Service Center.
Image the Memorandum form using the following guidance:
Application Plan: KEES Case
Basket: Case – No Task
Document Type: Correspondence
KEES creates a record on the Eligibility Non-Compliance page. The type of non-compliance set by KEES depends on the program.
NOTE: Two non-compliances are set for TANF and/or Child Care, one for each program regardless if the consumer is receiving assistance for that program.
See the table below for more information on data used to set the non-compliance record when the program and person are Active.
Child Care | Food Assistance | |
Type | Child Support | CSS NonCooperation | Child Support |
Reason | 1st Penalty 2nd Penalty 3rd Penalty 4th Penalty |
CSS NonCooperation |
Food Assistance |
Begin Date | First Day of the come up month considering timely notice based on the creation date from CSS | First Day of the come up month considering timely notice based on the creation date from CSS | Creation Date from CSS |
End Date |
Defaults based on reason selected | Defaults based on reason selected | Blank |
Override End Date | 12/31/9999 | 12/31/9999 |
Blank |
Compliance Date | Blank | Blank | Blank |
Program Type | TANF/RCA | Child Care | Food Assistance |
KEES runs EDBC to discontinue the program or person as applicable for TANF and FA. In addition, a change or discontinuance NOA is sent.
When CSS indicates a consumer’s cooperation in the CSS system, KEES updates the non-compliance record.
See the table below for information on data used to update a Tiered Penalty non-compliance record when CSS indicates a consumer is now cooperating.
Child Care | |
Override End Date | Sets to the End Date used at the time of the tiered penalty creation | Sets to the End Date used at the time of the tiered penalty creation |
Compliance Date | Date of Cooperation | Date of Cooperation |
See the table below for information on data used to update a Non-Tiered Penalty non-compliance record when CSS indicates a consumer is now cooperating.
TANF | Child Care | Food Assistance |
Override End Date | Last Day of the Month based on the Date of the Cooperation | Last Day of the Month based on the Date of the Cooperation | Last Day of the Month based on the Date of the Cooperation |
Compliance Date | Date of Cooperation |
Date of Cooperation |
Date of Cooperation |
If Food Assistance is Active, KEES runs EDBC to re-determine the Food Assistance benefit amount for the following month and come up month (if applicable). A change NOA is sent if applicable as well.
Expedited Paternity information is captured in KEES. When creating an Expedited Paternity referral:
Make the relationship of the presumed father and child as unrelated until CSS is able to establish paternity.
A referral is not sent to CSS until EDBC is saved and accepted and the program(s) is approved.
When running EDBC for Non-Medical programs that require a referral to CSS, KEES requires the program to have:
Two parents in the home
One parent in the home and one CSS referral for the absent parent
Two CSS referrals for the absent parents
If the above criteria are not met KEES prevents staff from running, saving and accepting EDBC. There are five known scenarios when the program does not meet the criteria listed above but is eligible to receive benefits. See CSS Referral for Single Adoptive/Severed Rights Parents for the steps to determine benefits for these unique situations.
The Name Type field on the Individual Demographics page is used to give more detail on the name currently being used in KEES and any name previously used. The Name Type field is also included in the information that goes over on the CSS Date Sync interface file.
Drop-down values for consumer’s current name include:
Legally Changed
Drop-down values for consumer’s alias name(s) include:
Legally Changed
If KEES is unable to automatically create a Non-Compliance record, a task is generated for the Purple queue to notify staff the automation failed. In this instance, staff need to verify the cooperation/non-cooperation in the CSS system and manually update the record/run EDBC if appropriate. See Troubleshooting Non-Compliance for more information. Task names include:
CSS Non-Cooperation Alert was not handled correctly
CSS Cooperation Alert was not handled correctly
If the consumer is an Active minor parent, they receive a non-tiered penalty.
NOTE: Two non-compliances are set for TANF and/or Child Care, one for each program.
See the table below for more information on data used to set the non-compliance record when the program and person are not active, or if the person is an Active minor parent.
TANF | Child Care | Food Assistance |
Type | CSS Non-Cooperation | CSS Non-Cooperation |
Child Support |
Reason | CSS Non-Cooperation | CSS Non-Cooperation | Food Assistance |
Begin Date | Creation Date from CSS | Creation Date from CSS | Creation Date from CSS |
End Date |
Blank | Blank | Blank |
Override End Date | Blank | Blank | Blank |
Compliance Date | Does Not Display | Does Not Display | Blank |
Program Type | TANF/RCA | Child Care | Food Assistance |
When TANF is discontinued, KEES generates a task for the Work Programs queue to notify the Career Navigator of the change in program status. The Career Navigator needs to research the case determine if the program was discontinued due to a CSS Non-Compliance.
When a FAET participant is discontinued on Food Assistance, KEES generates a task for the FAET queue to notify the Career Navigator of the change in person or program status. The reason for the discontinuance is noted in the task details of the task.
CSS information is received by KEES through the CSS interface nightly. If a consumer were to comply the same day they apply, an update cannot be seen in KEES until the next day. Staff should not manually update the record, as this would cause the automation to fail and a task to generate.
At initial application, the Eligibility
Non-Compliance page must be checked to verify the consumer
is in cooperation status with all absent parents.
Use the guidance below when a consumer has a Child Support penalty for TANF or Child Care, because the two programs are not linked:
If a Non-Cooperation penalty is retracted by Child Support Services:
Food Assistance: Remove the Child Support Non-Compliance record after a Compliance Date is received by KEES, re-run EDBC for the months the individual did not receive benefits and create an underpayment for those months. See Processing Underpayments.
TANF and/or Child Care: Remove the Child Support Non-Compliance record after a Compliance Date is received by KEES, rescind the program block(s) and re-run EDBC. See Rescind Program – Non-Medical.
NOTE: CSS does not have the ability to remove a non-compliance from their system. Instead, they indicate the consumer is complying in the CSS system and a Compliance Date is sent to KEES. CSS information is received by KEES through the CSS interface nightly. The update cannot be seen in KEES until the next day. Staff should not manually update the record, as this would cause the automation to fail and a task to generate.
The CSS process is to verify the consumer is actively receiving benefits in KEES prior to indicating non-compliance information in the CSS system. However, if that process is not followed, the CSS interface will send non-compliance information to KEES and a non-tiered penalty record will be created. If staff think CSS applied a penalty in error, they will need to contact CSS.