Citizenship/Identity - PPS

A Citizenship/Identity record must be completed for all PPS recipients. EDBC will not run for medical programs if a Citizenship/Identity record is missing. This page is dynamic and additional information is requested depending on the information you enter. All known information should be entered.

To complete Citizenship/Identity

  1. Select Citizenship/Identity from Task Navigation.  The Citizenship/Identity List page displays.

  2. Click the Add button. The Citizenship/Identity Detail page displays.

  3. Select the child’s name from the Name drop-down menu. This is the only required field in this section.

NOTE:  The following steps are optional but staff are encouraged to complete as much information as possible.

  1. Select the appropriate value from the Adopted drop-down menu only if you have documentation the person was or was not adopted.  This question is not program specific.

  2. Select the appropriate value from the Was this person born in a US State/Territory? drop-down menu.

NOTE:  If Yes is selected, the Birth State/Territory drop-down is required.

  1. In the Birth Certificate Information section, it is best practice to add the information from the birth certificate once it is received.

  2. Select the appropriate values from the drop-down menus in the U.S. Citizenship Verification section.

NOTE:  Additional fields display based on the selected Document Type on File.

  1. Select Verified from the Medical Citizenship Verified drop-down menu.

NOTE:  If U.S. Citizenship information is NOT available:

  1. Select the appropriate value from the Document Type drop-down menu in the Identity Verification section.

  2. Select Verified from the Medical Identity Verified drop-down menu.

NOTE:  If Identity Verification information is NOT available:

  1. Click the Save button.  The Citizenship/Identity Detail page displays in view format.

  2. Click the Close button.  The Citizenship/Identity List page displays.