Closing an Existing Non-Paid Provider Resource

The user must first close an activity and service type before closing a non-paid provider resource. For more information see Closing an Activity - Non-Paid Provider, Closing a Service Type – Non-Paid Provider.

Follow the steps below to close a non-paid provider resource:

  1. Select Resource Databank from Global Navigation. The Resource Search page displays.

  2. Enter basic search criteria.

  3. Click the Search button. The Resource Search Results page displays with a list of any potential provider matches.

    NOTE: To perform a new search with different criteria, click the caret for Refine Your Search.

  4. Click the provider’s Name hyperlink. The Resource Detail page displays in view mode.

  5. Click the Edit button. The Resource Detail page displays.

  6. In the Basic Information section, select Closed from the Status drop-down menu.

  7. Select Not Applicable from the Review Frequency drop-down menu.

  8. Enter 12/31/2999 as the Next Review Date.

  9. Click the Save Button. The Resource Detail page displays.

  10. Click the Close Button. The Resource Search page displays.