Work Experience/Community Service Hours Calculation

The Work Experience/Community Service Hours Detail pages calculates the number of hours a participant may be assigned to Work Experience/Community Service based on their TANF/FA benefits. This calculation can only be completed after TANF/FA is approved. This page applies only to Work Program participants.

NOTE:  In order to complete the following steps, the following information is required for the month(s) in question:

  1. Select Services from Global Navigation. Select Activities from Local Navigation. Select Comm. Service Hours Calculation from Task Navigation. The Work Experience/Community Service Hours Calculation List page displays.

  2. Click the Add button to add a record. The Comm. Service Hours Calculation Detail page displays.

  3. Select the consumer’s Name from the drop-down menu.

  4. Enter Activity Participation Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  5. Select the appropriate Total Hours of Participation Required Per Week from the drop-down menu.

  6. Enter a value in the Estimated Number of hours assigned in Non-Work Experience Activity field.

  7. Click the Calculate button. The system automatically calculates an answer in the Unmet Hours of Participation Per Week for the Activity Participation Month field. This is the anticipated number of hours the consumer will participate in the activity.

  8. The Cash Grant for the Grant/Calculation Month amount auto populated in this field.

  9. The TANF AU's Portion of the Food Assistance Allotment for the Grant/Calculation Month amount auto populates in this field.

  10. If applicable, enter the amount of Child Support (CS) Retained by the State.

  11. Click the Calculate button. The system auto calculates the remaining fields.

    • The Total Benefit Paid (or to be paid) for the Grant/ Calculation Month

    • The Total Unpaid Work Experience/Community Service Hours for the Month

    • The Maximum Average Unpaid Work Experience/Community Service Hours Per Week. This amount should be recorded on the Customer Activity Detail page.

    • The Additional Hours in Other Activities to Meet Participation Requirement for the Grant/Calculation Month. This is the number of hours that is still needed for work participation. These hours cannot be included with the Work Experience/Community Service Hours.

  12. Click the Save and Return button if the calculation is correct. If not, select the Cancel button. The Work Experience/Community Service Hours Calculation List page displays.

NOTE: This page must be completed for every month the consumer is participating in this activity.