Contact Summary - Data Acceptance Non-Medical

The Contact Summary page is used to add or update an address for all current household members. Always make sure there is a Mailing and Physical address listed for every person receiving assistance.

To add or update an address for a case person(s):

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Contact from Task Navigation. The Contact Summary page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button for the case person with a New indicator. The Address Detail page displays.

NOTE: If there are multiple address records with a New indicator, click the Edit button for the most correct address.

  1. The user has two options:

NOTE: If additional case persons and/or address types are selected the persons address(es) are updated and any New address record(s) with the corresponding person and/or type are removed from the Contact Summary page upon Accepting the record.

NOTE:  If additional case persons and/or address types are selected the persons address(es) are updated and any New address record(s) with the corresponding person and/or type are removed from the Contact Summary page upon Accepting the record.

  1. The Select Address page displays. Select the radio button for the appropriate address and click the Select button.

  2. The Effective Dating Confirmation List page displays listing each Person and Address Type changed. This page shows KEES is end dating the existing record(s) and starting new record(s). Verify the information is correct then click the Save button. Save returns the user to the Contact Summary page. Click the Cancel button if the information is incorrect and return to STEP 2.

NOTE: If it is known that an address reported via the SSP is incorrect AND it is the only New address listed, the user can use the Reject All button to reject the information. The address record(s) is rejected for ALL Persons and Address Types selected on the Address Detail page.