Create a Fair Hearing Request - Non-Medical

To Create a Fair Hearing Request:

  1. Select Special Units from Global Navigation. Select State Hearings from Local Navigation. The Hearings Search page displays.

  2. Click Refine Your Search to complete a search for an existing hearing request.

    NOTE: Click the Remove button for Assigned To: if the Worker ID has defaulted.

  3. Click the Select button under Case Number to search by case. The Select Person page displays.

  4. Enter the correct Case Number then click the Search button. The results display.

  5. Select the correct person using the radio button. Click the Select button.

    NOTE: If the person has more than one case number, the Select Case page displays. Use the radio button to select the correct case number then click the Select button.

    The Case Number displays on the Hearing Search page.

  6. Click the Search button to search for an existing Hearing record.

    NOTE: Users should not re-open a closed hearing record for a past appeal. Only modify an existing Hearing record if it is related to the current appeal.

  7. Click the Add Hearing button if no hearing record exists for the current appeal. The Hearing Detail page displays.

    NOTE: If a Hearing Detail exists, use the Hearing ID hyperlink to access the Hearing Detail. Click the Edit button to open the page for editing. Make any updates, then click the Save button.

  8. Click the Select button under Case Number to select the case on which the appellant is requesting the Fair Hearing. The Select Person page displays.

  9. Use the Case Number or Person Search to locate the appellant’s case, and click the Search button. The results display.

  10. Select the correct person using the radio button. Click the Select button. The Hearing Detail page displays.

    NOTE: If the person has more than one case number, the Select Case page displays. Use the radio button to select the correct case number then click the Select button. Once the person/case is selected the Hearing Detail displays with the Case Number listed.

  11. Enter all known information for the consumer. Under Program the Program Type and Status, Worker ID, and Worker Name display.

  12. Select the program for which the Fair Hearing is requested using the check box for the Program name. Deselect any programs not related to the hearing request.

  13. Select the Status of the hearing using the drop-down menu under General Information.

  14. Select a Status Reason from the drop-down menu.

  15. Enter the Status Effective Date, using the mm/dd/yyyy format or the calendar icon.

  16. Enter the Filing Date, using the mm/dd/yyyy format or the calendar icon.

  17. Click the Select button under Assigned To: to navigate to the Select Worker page.

  18. Enter the correct worker information and click the Search button.  

  19. Click the radio button for the correct worker  and click the Select button to return to the Hearing Detail page.  The Worker ID displays under the Assigned To: heading.

  20. Select the Language from the drop-down. This drop-down defaults to English.

  21. Click the Save button when all fields are complete.  KEES assigns a Hearing ID number.

  22. Create a Manual Task with a due date set in the future to monitor Fair Hearing deadlines. See Adding a Task for more information on creating a Manual Task.