Creating a Contact Log - KEES Case

  1. Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go. The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Select Contact Log from Utility Navigation. The Contact Log Entry window opens with the case number pre-populated.

  3. Select the name of the household member making the contact or whom the contact is regarding from the Person drop-down menu.

  4. Select the appropriate value from the Contact Type drop-down menu.

NOTE: Select Email when communicating between DCF and the Clearinghouse or vice-versa.

  1. Select the person or entity making the contact from the Contacted By drop-down menu.  Depending on the Contacted By value selected, the appropriate fields dynamically display for the completion of the Contact Log Entry.

NOTE: Select Agency when communicating between DCF and the Clearinghouse or vice-versa.

  1. Select the office that should receive the task from the Location drop-down menu.

NOTE: It is critical to complete the Location field as this impacts a user’s ability to search for tasks on the Task Inventory page.

  1. Enter any additional known information in applicable fields based on the value selected from Contacted By.

  2. Select the Agency from the drop-down menu.

  3. Select the Category and Contact Reason from the drop-down menus. See DCF Contact Log Categories and Contact Reasons or KDHE Contact Log Categories and Contact Reasons for help with choosing the correct values.

  4. If the work was completed during the contact, select the Work Completed During Contact check box. Otherwise leave the check box blank.

  5. Click the Add button if additional Contact Reasons should be added.

NOTE: The Add button allows the user to select additional contact reasons for the same consumer while only creating one task.  When the user clicks the Add button, a new row of blank fields display for Agency, Category, Contact Reason, and Work Completed During Contact to be completed.

  1. Enter Additional Notes as appropriate.

NOTE:  / cannot be used in the Additional Notes section

  1. Check the information for accuracy, then click the Save button. When the user clicks the Save button, the contact log entry is saved, the information is copied to a journal entry, and applicable tasks are generated where necessary.

NOTE: Clicking the Save button on the Contact Log window more than once creates duplicate tasks.  If KEES is lagging, the window may stay up even after the content has been saved, making the user think they did not hit the Save button.  Duplicate tasks should be voided and not marked as complete in an effort to keep reporting data accurate.