Creating an External Recovery Account

External Recovery Accounts are used when an overpayment is not the result of running EDBC rules. Examples of overpayments requiring an External Recovery account are PPS Programs and Work Programs. Overpayments for Food Assistance, TANF, or Child Care months occurring prior to KEES conversion require an External Recovery Account. Child Care Provider Overpayments also utilize the External Recovery Account.

NOTE: Each program overpayment must have a unique Recovery Account. For example, a Food Assistance overpayment should not be put on a Recovery Account with a TANF overpayment. Each program requires a Recovery Account for its’ overpayments. This is because only FA benefits can be used to repay an FA overpayment and only TANF benefits may be used to repay a TANF overpayment.

NOTE: The Primary Applicant should be selected as the Responsible Person on a PEBT Recovery Account. Once the External Recovery Account has been set up, 100% of the consumer's next PEBT benefit will be recouped from either School or Child Care PEBT; for this reason, the Repayment Agreement page should not be filled out. The F-401 PEBT Notice of Repayment, has been created specifically for PEBT Overpayments.  It can be accessed through either the Template Repository or when clicking the Generate Form button on the Recovery Account Detail page on an Active PEBT Recovery Account.

To Create an External Recovery Account

  1. Select Fiscal from Global Navigation.

  2. Select Collections from Local Navigation. The Recovery Account Search page displays.

  3. Complete a search for an existing Recovery Account.

NOTE: If the consumer has a Pending External Recovery Account for the same program type and cause, the user can navigate to the Recovery Account Detail page and select Overpayment Summary from Task Navigation to add additional overpayments to the Recovery Account. Add overpayments by clicking the Add O/P button. Proceed to STEP 19 for more information on adding overpayments.

  1. If no Recovery Account exists select Create External Recovery Accounts from Task Navigation. The Recovery Account Detail displays.

  2. Click the Select button under Case Number. The Select Person page displays. Enter the Case Number then click the Search button. The Select Person results display.

  3. Select the correct person using the radio button and then click the Select button. The Recovery Account Detail displays with the Case Number populated.

    NOTE: For PEBT, select the PA.

  4. Under the Account Details block, select the Program Type using the drop-down menu.

  5. Enter the Discovery Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

    NOTE: This is the date the overpayment was discovered, not the date action is being taken.

  6. Under Assigned To:  click the Select button. The Select Worker page displays.

  7. Enter the Worker ID then click the Search button. The Select Worker page displays.

  8. Select the Worker ID using the radio button then click the Select button. The Recovery Account Detail displays with Assigned To: populated with the Worker ID.

  9. Select a Cause using the drop-down menu.

  10. Select a Reason from the drop-down menu.

  11. Under the Responsible Party block click the Add button. The Responsible Party Detail displays.

  12. Click the Select button under Person/Resource Name. The Select Person/Resource page displays.

  13. Enter the Case Number/Name then click the Search button. The Select Person/Select Resource results display.

  14. Select the correct person/resource using the radio button and then click the Select button. The Responsible Party Detail displays with the consumer/provider information populated.

  15. Click the Save and Return button. The Recovery Account Detail displays with the consumer displaying in the Responsible Party block.

NOTE: If additional Responsible Parties are needed once the Overpayments are added and the Recovery Account is saved, the user can select the Edit button on the Recovery Account Detail and add additional Responsible Parties.

  1. Click the Save and Continue button.

Food Assistance - the Overissuance Detail displays. Proceed to bullet "a" below.

All other programs - the Overpayment Detail displays. Proceed to bullet "b" below.

Follow the appropriate instructions for completing the Overpayment/Overissuance pages.

  1. The Overissuance Detail page displays.

    • Enter the month of the overpayment in the Benefit/Service Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

    • Select the Aid Code from the drop-down menu.

    • Enter the Original Household Size.

    • Enter the Original Adjusted Income amount.

    • Enter the Original Allotment amount.

    • Enter the Correct Household Size.

    • Enter the Correct Adjusted Income amount.

    • Enter the Correct Allotment amount.

    • In the State Amount field enter 0.00.

    • Click the Save and Return button. The Overissuance Summary displays.

    • If additional overpayments are needed, click the Add/OP button and repeat the bulleted steps to complete the Overissuance Detail, otherwise click the Close button. The Recovery Account Detail page displays.

  2. The Overpayment Detail page displays.

    • Enter the month of the overpayment in the Benefit/Service Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

    • Select the Aid Code from the drop-down menu.

    • Enter the Original Payment amount.

    • Enter the Correct Payment amount.

    • Select No from the Non-Reportable drop-down.

    • Click the Save and Return button. The Overpayment Summary page displays.

    • If additional overpayments are needed, click the Add/OP button and repeat the bulleted steps to complete the Overpayment Detail, otherwise click the Close button. The Recovery Account Detail page displays.

NOTE: To return to the Overpayment Summary page and add additional overpayments select Overpayment Summary from the Task Navigation. Overpayments can be added as long as the Recovery Account remains in Pending status. Once a Recovery Account is set to Active, no new overpayments can be added.

NOTE: PEBT Recovery Accounts should be set to Active and a F-401 PEBT Notice of Repayment sent to the household.

  1. Once all overpayments have been added, the account status can be updated if needed.

NOTE: Activation of the Recovery Account begins the collections process. Only change a Recovery Account status to Active after the consumer has had the opportunity to respond to the overpayment correspondence or after a fraud determination is completed when the overpayment is Pending Fraud Prosecution.

  1. The Repayment Agreement form is sent to the Responsible Party. Use the Generate Form button on the Recovery Account Detail page to create a notice for the consumer.

  2. Create a case flag for an Outstanding Overpayment see Setting a Case Flag for instructions.

  3. A task is created 15 days after the letter is sent. Once the consumer has had 15 days to respond, the user can set the Recovery Account to Active when setting the recoupment amount.  See Setting a Recoupment for instructions on creating the recoupment.

NOTE: Once the Status on a Recovery Account Detail is set to Active no additional overpayments may be added to that account.