EDBC Warning – Non-Medical

When the user runs EDBC he or she can receive a “warning” message with information relating to the eligibility determination. There are three types of EDBC warnings, hard warnings, soft warnings and warnings when Accepting EDBC.

Running EDBC Hard Warning:

A hard warning does not allow a user to run EDBC. Examples of hard warnings:

Action Needed:  Complete any missing relationships on the Relationship page.

Action Needed:  Assign a Worker ID to any applicable program blocks.

Action Needed:  Contact your supervisor to ensure the necessary approvals are completed for the Child Care Plan or Edit the Child Care Plan hours to less than 240.

Action Needed: Verify that a Customer Appointment Detail has been completed for the application or review period.

NOTE:  This warning does not display if the Attendance Status is Scheduled, Complete, or Exempt.

KEES does not allow the user to process the EDBC until the issue is resolved.

Running EDBC Soft Warning:

A soft warning allows the user to run EDBC. Examples of soft warnings:

Action Needed:  Determine if a new Income record was added or an Income record edited:

Action Needed:  Verify that the address has been added as reported or that there is no new address reported:

Action Needed:  Determine if the Verification(s) are needed for the benefit determination:

KEES allows a user to run EDBC if it is a soft warning. The Run EDBC button displays on the page for the user to select.

Accepting EDBC Hard Warning:

A warning when attempting to accept EDBC Results, will not allow the user to Accept EDBC until the issue is resolved.  If a Warning is received, the user should click Cancel on the EDBC Summary page and Cancel on the EDBC List page to ensure the case is not locked.

Action Needed:  Verify the Review or IR/12 Month Report record has been marked as Received and Run EDBC with the RE, IR, 12 Month Run Reason, as appropriate.

Action Needed:  Verify that the Noncustodial Parent page has been completed and the Referral check box completed.