Edit Application Date – Non-Medical

The Edit Application Date process is used when a user has entered an incorrect application date in error. An application date can only be edited if the Person and/or Program are in Pending status. An application date cannot be changed once the person and/or program are Active.

The worker would edit the application date to the correct date only if the application date entered incorrectly is in the same month as the correct application date.

In all other scenarios a KEES Help Desk ticket should be submitted to remediate. 

Scenarios where the Program Application Date should not be updated by staff, but should be sent to the KEES Help Desk instead:

·       When the Application Date needs to move forward and will cross over into a new month. Example: 2/28/2019 to 3/01/2019. Moving an Application Date in this manner will cause the month of February to remain in Pending status and staff will be unable to run EDBC to get it out of Pending status. Exceptions: TANF & CC programs.

·      When the Application Date needs to move backwards, and it is the first application for the program. Example: 3/01/2019 to 2/28/2019. Staff will be unable to run EDBC for the new application month as there will be no Worker ID assigned to the program in that month. In addition, Non-Medical programs are unable to backdate Admin Roles.

Scenarios where the Program Person Application Date should not be updated by staff, but should be sent to the KEES Help Desk instead:

·       When the Application Date needs to move forward and will cross over into a new month. Example: 2/28/2019 to 3/01/2019. Moving an Application Date in this manner will cause the month of February to remain in Pending status and staff will be unable to run EDBC to get it out of Pending status. Exceptions: TANF & CC programs.

Program Application Date (Program Status is ‘Pending’)

  1. Navigate to the Case Summary page for the application.

  2. Change the Display Date to the month of the registered application and click the View button to refresh the page with the new display date.

  3. Click the View Details button in the appropriate program block.  The Program Detail page displays.

  4. Click the Edit button to make the page editable.

  5. Click the Edit button for the Application Date in the Program Information block. The Application Detail page displays.

  6. Enter the correct Program Application Date in the Program Information block using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  7. Enter the correct Application Date in the Person Information block using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  8. Update the Beginning Date of Aid for each applicant with the correct first day of benefits (this is most often the application date) using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  9. Select Administrative Decision from the Change Reason drop-down menu.

  10. Click the Save and Return button. The Program Detail page displays.

  11. Click the Save and Return button. The Case Summary page displays.

Person Application Date (Program Status is ‘Active’ Person Status is ‘Pending’)

  1. Navigate to the Case Summary page for the case with the person’s application.

  2. Click the View Details button in the appropriate program block. The Program Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Edit button to make the page editable.

  4. Click the Edit button for the Application Date in the Program Information block. The Application Detail page displays.

  5. Enter the correct Application Date in the Person Information block using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  6. Update the Beginning Date of Aid for each applicant with the correct first day of benefits (this is most often the application date) using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  7. Select Administrative Decision from the Change Reason drop-down menu.

  8. Click the Save and Return button. The Program Detail page displays.

  9. Click the Save and Return button. The Case Summary page displays.