Editing a PPS Resource

Requests to change information about a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) or an HCBS resource in the Resource Databank (RDB) must be sent to the Clearinghouse. See Requesting a Change to a Resource in the Resource Databank for the manual, external process.

PPS Eligibility staff can make changes directly to the Foster Care RDB on manually entered resources. Resources generated through the interface with CLARIS and SMART will be read only and must be updated through the interface.

  1. Click Resource Databank on the Global Navigation bar. The Resource Search page displays.

  2. Click Foster Care on the Local Navigation bar. The Foster Care Resource Search page displays with Foster Care as the default Category.

  3. Enter the Name or ID of the Resource to be changed then click the Search button. The Foster Care Resource Search page displays.

  4. Click the Name hyperlink. The Foster Care Resource Detail page displays.

  5. Click the Edit button. The Foster Care Resource Detail page displays.

  6. Make changes to the appropriate fields:

  7. Click the Save button. The Foster Care Resource Detail page displays.

  8. Click the Close button. The Foster Care Resource Search page displays.