Editing a Transportation Allowance Payment Request for a Consumer

NOTE: If payment has not already been approved, information can be edited on the payment request. If payment has already been approved, the original record cannot be edited, but only adjusted.

  1. Select Services from Global Navigation. Select Supportive Services from Local Navigation. The Service Arrangements List page displays.

  2. Click the appropriate Need Type hyperlink. The Service Arrangement Detail page displays.

    NOTE: The Status, Status Reason and Status Date is listed in the Status History section.

  3. Click the View Payment Request button. The Payment Request Search page displays.

  4. Click the Edit button. The Payment Request Detail page displays.

    NOTE: The edit button does not display if the payment has already been approved.

  5. Update the new amount in the Requested Amount field.

    NOTE: The Status defaults to Awaiting Approval and the user can manually change the status if needed. The Service Month defaults to the current month and the user can manually change the service month if needed.

    The Received Date defaults to the current date and the user can manually change the date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon if needed.

    The Immediacy field defaults to Routine and the user can manually change this field if needed.

  6. Click the Save button. The Payment Request Detail page displays.

  7. Click the Approve button. The Payment Request Detail page redisplays.

    NOTE: The Status, Status Date and Service Month is updated based on the user’s action.

  8. Click the Close button. The Payment Request Search page displays.