Employment (ES)

Employment Services should complete or update the Employment Status Detail page to record hours worked from actual employment. Employment Services should navigate to the Employment Status Detail from the Services tab on Global Navigation. 

NOTE: The Employment List page is shared with Medical programs the DCF Non-Medical record will be identified with * prior to the employer’s name. EES and Employment Services both utilize this page and should share the same record. This page should only have one DCF Non-Medical record per employer.


1.    Select Services from Global Navigation. Select Case Summary from Local Navigation. Select Employment from Task Navigation. The Employment List page displays.

2.    Click the Add button. The Employment Detail page displays.

3.    Select the Name of the employed case person from the drop-down menu.

4.    Select a Category value using the drop-down menu.

5.    In the Employer Information section complete the following fields if known:

·         Enter the Employer Name in the text box, preceded by an * and a space.

·         Enter the employer’s Address and phone number in the Contact text box.

6.    In the Job Information section complete the following fields if known:

·         Enter theJob Title, Date Hired and Verified.  

7.    Click the Add button in the Status Information section. The Employment Status Detail page displays.

8.    Select Active from the Status drop-down menu. Select Employed from the Status Reason drop-down menu.

9.    Enter the Hourly Wage, Hours/Week and the Begin Date. 

10.  Click the Save and Return button. The Employment Detail page displays.

11.  Select a Verified value from the drop-down menu under the Status Information section.

12.  Click the Save and Return button. The Employment List page displays.


1.    Select Services from Global Navigation. Select Case Summary from Local Navigation. Select Employment from Task Navigation. The Employment List page displays.

2.    Click the Edit button for the record to be edited. The Employment Detail page displays.

3.    Click the Add button in the Status Information section. The Employment Status Detail page displays.

4.    Select Active from the Status drop-down menu. Select Employed from the Status Reason drop-down menu.

5.    Enter the Hourly Wage, Hours/Week and the Begin Date. 

6.    Click the Save and Return button. The Employment Detail page displays.

7.    Click the Save and Return button. The Employment List page displays.


1.    Select Services from Global Navigation. Select Case Summary from Local Navigation. Select Employment from Task Navigation. The Employment List page displays.

2.    Click the Edit button for the record to be ended. The Employment Detail page displays.

3.    In the Job Information section complete Termination Date, Termination Reason, Verified and Job Quit Cause Determination  

4.    Click the Add button in the Status Information section. The Employment Status Detail page displays.

5.    Select Active from the Status drop-down menu. Select Employed from the Status Reason drop-down menu.

6.    Enter ‘0’ in the Hourly Wage and Hours/Week fields enter the last day of employment in the Begin Date field. Do not enter an End Date 

7.    Click the Save and Return button. 

8.    The Effective Dating Confirmation List page displays. Review information and click the Save button.  The Employment Detail page displays.

9.    Click the Edit button for the Status Information record just created. 

10.  The Employment Status Detail page displays.  Select the Closed form the Status drop- down menu. 

11.  Select a Status Reason from the drop-down menu.  

12.  Click the Save and Return button. The Employment Detail page displays.

13.  Verify that Verified is selected from the drop-down menu under the Status Information section.

14.   Click the Save and Return button. The Employment List page displays.