Employment - Data Acceptance Non-Medical

The Employment Detail page is used to add or edit employment records.  Complete this page when a consumer is working. Employment information entered on this page is tied to wages entered on the Income Detail page. For guidance on completing the data fields on this page see Employment.

NOTE: If a Medical Employment record exists (an Employment record without an * and not displaying as New), click the hyperlink and verify there is no information present in the Status Information block.  If data exists, click the Edit button to make the page editable and use the check box to select the record and click the Remove button.  Save the record.

To add or update an Employment record:

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Employment from Task Navigation. The Employment List page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button for the case person with a New indicator. The Employment Detail page displays.

  3. Information reported via the SSP may be newly reported, updated, or duplicated information. The user has three options: