Employment Services

This section provides information on how to navigate KEES to view records, create a program block, collect data, and issues mass payments related to Employment Services.

KEES determines Work Program and potential Food Assistance Employment & Training (FAET) work eligibility based on TANF and Food Assistance rules based on the data collection pages.

Employment Services (ES) Workers have the ability to view the data collection pages to obtain information about the case.

NOTE: The Non-Financial and Financial Data Collection pages are view only for ES workers.  Follow the business process when changes that affect eligibility are reported.

ES Workers should view the following data collection pages:

Non-Financial Data Collection

Financial Data Collection

To View Non-Financial and Financial Data Collection Pages:

  1. Within the context of a case, select Eligibility from Global Navigation.  Select Customer Information from Local Navigation.

  2. Select the Data Collection page from Task Navigation.  The Data Collection List page displays.

  3. Select the hyperlink for the data collection record to view the record.  The Data Collection Detail page displays.

NOTE:  For more information on viewing previous records, see Viewing Historical Records.

  1. When finished viewing the record, click the Close button.  The Data Collection List page displays.