End Dating a Worker ID

When a worker no longer requires KEES access the Worker ID(s) assigned to the worker should be End Dated.  End dating a Worker ID does not affect the users’ access to KEES.  For more information on user access, see Security and Passwords.

NOTE: Only one user can be assigned to a Worker ID. OIM has edits that will prevent multiple users assigned to a Worker ID. However, a user can have multiple Worker IDs if required to complete the duties of the jobs assigned.

  1. Verify that all tasks and cases assigned to the Worker ID have been reassigned.

NOTE:  Any tasks or programs assigned to the Worker ID at the time the Worker ID is end dated are not visible to be worked.  See Reassigning a Task and/or Workload Assignment for detailed steps on reassigning tasks and programs.

  1. Select Admin Tools from Global Navigation.  Select Office Admin from Local Navigation.  Select Staff Assignment from Task Navigation.  The Staff Assignment List page displays.

  2. Select the Division ID from the drop-down menu.

    1. DCF selections include:

      • DCF EES

      • DCF PPS

      • DCF Information Technology

    2. Select KDHE DHCF for the Clearinghouse.

  3. Enter the 2-digit Unit ID code from the Worker ID.

Example: If the Worker ID that needs to be end dated is DE4602E3G9 the Unit Code would be E3.

  1. Click the Go button. The Staff Assignment List page displays.

NOTE:  When searching with a DCF Division ID filter, all Units associated with the specific Unit Code located in ALL the DCF Office Locations display.

  1. Click Edit for the Worker ID you want to end date.  The Staff Assignment Detail page displays.

  2. Enter the End Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  3. Click the Save and Return button. The Staff Assignment List page displays.