Food Assistance Employment & Training (FAET) Process

This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized for the mandatory E&T participation process.

1.1 Business Process Diagram

1.2 Business Process Steps
All Food Assistance recipients between 18-59, without a child under 18 in the household are required to participate in the Food Assistance E&T program for 30 hours per week if they are work eligible (mandatory for work registration), and do not meet a work eligible or ABAWD exemption reason. Failure to participate in the program or to meet 30-hour weekly participation requirements results in a Not Meeting Work Requirements violation of 3 months for the first violation, 6 months for the second violation and 12 months for the third violation. Good cause must be requested before a violation can be approved.


Eligibility Worker:

o   Start by determining if there is a child under the age of 18 in the household. If there is, mandatory participation is not required and further action is not needed. Next, use the Work Eligible indicator on the Food Assistance EDBC Summary page to determine if the Food Assistance consumer is required to participate in the E&T program. The Work Eligible indicator must read Yes for mandatory participation. If the ABAWD indicator on the Food Assistance EDBC Summary page is also Yes, then staff need to determine if the consumer is Exempt from ABAWD work/training requirements. Mandatory participation in the E&T program is not needed for ABAWDS who are exempt.

NOTE: If the Work Eligible indicator is Exempt orNo, then mandatory participation for the consumer is not needed. The Work Eligible indicator populates as No for children and individuals with a role of FRE. If the consumer meets any of the criteria listed below, then the Work Eligible Indicator displays as Exempt. 

KEES Criteria

Exclusion Reason on FA EDBC

If the person’s total weekly hours for earnings and self-employment income is equal to or greater than 30 hours

Working 30 Hrs

If the total of the person’s earned income and net self-employment income is greater than or equal to the federal minimum wage x 30 x 4.3

Federal Minimum Wage x 30

If the person has care of control of a child under the age of 6 or is a single parent of a child under the age of 6

Child is < 6

If the person is subject to TANF work requirements


If the person is receiving unemployment income


If the person is active in a drug/alcohol treatment and rehab program

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center

If the person is a student enrolled at least half time in higher education

School Attendance

If the person has one of the following: active medical condition, PMD Tier 1 Presumptive medical condition, social security disability income, SSI income, railroad disability income, veteran’s disability income, or a MediKan OPA

Ill, Injured or Incapacitate

If the person’s age is greater than or equal to 60

Age 60 or Older


Exemption reasons for ABAWD work/training requirements include:

·         Alcohol or drug treatment program

·         Care of incapacitated FA household member

·         Foster Care individual 24 years old or younger

·         Homeless

·         Pregnant

·         Applied for or Receiving unemployment compensation

·         Student

·         Veteran



E&T Supervisors:

E&T Career Navigator:


E&T Career Navigator:

Non-Compliance Coordinator:


E&T Career Navigator:


1.3 Key Process Considerations