General Page Functionality

Function Description
Capture button Used to capture documents directly into ImageNow from the scanner. Only users with the security profile to capture documents will see the button.
Images button Retrieves documents from ImageNow associated to the case and the KEES page displayed. For example, if the user is on the Income List page and clicks the Images button, all documents associated to the KEES case with the Income document type display in ImageNow. When the Images button is clicked from the Case Summary page, all documents associated to the KEES case display regardless of document type.
Continue button Navigates the user to the next page listed in Task Navigation. Since not all pages in Task Navigation are utilized, it is best practice to not use the Continue button and instead use the links in Task Navigation to move from page to page.
View button Allows the user to view records in a specific date range. See Viewing Historical Records for more information.
Add button Creates a new data record while saving all previously entered data records to preserve historical records.
Record hyperlink Navigates the user to the view-only Detail page for the selected record. It is best practice to click the record hyperlink instead of the Edit button to prevent inadvertent errors or changes being made to the case.
Edit button Allows the user to make corrections to a data record which overwrites the existing record and does not save the previously entered information to the program’s history.
Remove button Allows the user to delete the marked data record(s) from the case history.
Copy button Used to create an exact duplicate of another record and is found on some data collection pages.
Retrieve Information button Allows the user to populate a new record with the selected individual’s current record information. The user may update the desired information on the new record including selecting a different individual.
Save button Saves the entered information to the program’s history.
Save and Add Another button Saves the current record and displays a blank Detail page to add a new record.
Save and Return button Saves the current record and returns the user to the List page.
Cancel button Navigates off a page without KEES saving changes.
Complete check box Do Not Use.