Ineligibility Status Reason Table - Non-Medical

The Ineligibility Status Reason Table is organized by:

  1. Data Collection

  2. Non-Compliance

  3. Negative Action

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Ineligibility Status Reason Table


Role Reason

Status Reason

Reasons for Ineligibility

EDBC Summary



Mandatory Person Not Included

A required person for the household did not apply.

  • Status Reason

  • Case Summary


Over Income

The household is over the income limit for the program and/or household size.

  • Status Reason

  • Income List

  • TANF program - ensure the Physical Address lists the County


Ineligible Living Arrangement

The consumer resides in a living arrangement that prevents eligibility for FA benefits.

  • Status Reason

  • Living Arrangements List


Over Resources

This household is over the resource limit for the program and/or household size.

  • Status Reason

  • Resource List


Ineligible Primary Applicant

The household members cannot be approved because the Primary Applicant is not an eligible Primary Applicant for the program.

  • Status Reason

  • Individual Demographics (PA is deceased)

  • Household Status (PA is out of the home)


No Eligible Member

There are no eligible members on the Program.

  • Status Reason

  • Multiple

Gets SSI


Consumer is ineligible for TANF since he/she receives SSI benefits.

  • Role Reason

  • Income List

  • Medical Conditions

Ineligible Student


Consumer is not meeting the Student Eligibility criteria for Food Assistance.

  • Role Reason


  • Employment List

  • School Attendance

  • Relationship List – 2 parent HH – Care and Control not marked

Ineligible Alien


Consumer is an ineligible non-citizen (no documentation, inappropriate documentation or less than 5 years from date of entry).

  • Role Reason


  • Non Citizenship Status List

  • Individual Demographics


Not Mandatory or Optional

A Primary Applicant does not have a Purchase and Prepare record or the Primary Applicant is ineligible. If this reason is a result of the Primary Applicant being ineligible, use the Primary Applicant’s Status Reason to determine how to correct the case.

  • Status Reason

  • Purchase and Prepare List

  • Relationship



Consumer has passed away.

  • Status Reason

  • Individual Demographics


BDA After the Month

Consumer’s Beginning Date of Aid is after the month.

  • Status Reason

  • Program Person Detail


Mandatory Person Striker

A Mandatory person on the TANF program is on Strike.

  • Status Reason

  • Striker List



A person on the TANF program is on Strike.

  • Status Reason

  • Striker List


Mandatory Person Accepted Diversion

One of the mandatory household members received Diversion payment.

  • Status Reason

  • Case Summary


Accepted Diversion

Consumer received Diversion payment.

  • Status Reason

  • Case Summary


Mandatory Person Duplicate Benefits

One of the mandatory household members is receiving benefits in another state.

  • Status Reason

  • Other Program Assistance


Duplicate Benefits

Consumer is receiving benefits in another state.

  • Status Reason

  • Other Program Assistance


On Another Case

Consumer is already receiving benefits on another case.

  • Status Reason

  • Person View


State Residence

Consumer has an out of state address.

  • Status Reason

  • Contact Summary

Child Support Exceeded Grant Amount


The child support income exceeds the cash benefit amount.

  • Role Reason

  • Income List


Person School Enrollment or School Enrollment

No School Attendance record for school age TANF applicant.

  • Status Reason

  • School Attend. List


Fail to Complete KWK

Consumer did not complete KWK.

*Consumer did not complete TANF Work Requirements.

  • Status Reason

  • TANF Program Person Detail


Tribal Commodity

The consumer is receiving Tribal Commodity and is not eligible for Food Assistance.

  • Status Reason

  • Other Program Assistance List


Time Limit 36+ Months

The consumer has exceeded the TANF Time Limits.

  • Status Reason

  • Time Limits Summary


Time Limit 36 Months

The consumer has received 36 months of TANF benefits.

  • Status Reason

  • Time Limits Summary

Time Limit 24 Months

Time Limits Reached 24 Months

The consumer has received 24 Post-Secondary Education Child Care months.

  • Status Reason

  • Time Limits Summary


No Child or Unborn

There is no child or unborn in the home for TANF eligibility.

  • Status Reason

  • Case Summary

  • Relationship

  • Verify the Father is listed on the Pregnancy record

Time Limit ABAWD

No Eligible MEM

The consumer has received 3 ABAWD months within the 36 month period.

  • Role Reason

  • Time Limit Summary

Citizen for RCA

No Eligible MEM

An RCA applicant has U.S. Citizenship and is therefore ineligible for RCA benefits.

NOTE: At this time RCA benefits are not being processed in KEES.

  • Role Reason

  • Status Reason

  • Individual Demographics and/or

  • Non-Citizenship List


Child Primary Applicant

Consumer is less than 18 years of age and not Emancipated.

  • Status Reason

  • Individual Demographics


Out of the Home

The consumer is coded Permanently Out of the Home.

  • Status Reason

  • Household Status List


No Appl – Req Person

The consumer did not include all required household members on the application.  

Also displays for TANF children when parent/caretaker is penalized.  This is an expected result; thus, no remediation needed.

  • Status Reason

  • Case Summary

  • For Child Care, Care & Control for Relationships

Not Benefit Eligible


Child is in the household but is not eligible for Child Care due to over age 13.

  • Role Reason

  • Individual Demographics

Caretaker of Teen Parent


The Primary Applicant is applying on behalf of a minor parent and is not included in the budget.

  • Role Reason

  • Relationship List

  • Child Care Need Parent List

Role Reason

Status Reason

Reasons for Ineligibility

EDBC Summary


Comparable Penalty


The consumer has a Comparable Penalty for Food Assistance.

  • Role Reason

  • Non-Compliance List


Child Support – 1st Penalty

The consumer has a child support 1st penalty.

  • Status Reason

  • Child Support 1st Penalty


Child Support – 2nd Penalty

The consumer has a child support 2nd penalty.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Child Support 2nd Penalty


Child Support – 3rd Penalty

The consumer has a child support 3rd penalty.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Child Support 3rd Penalty


Child Support – 4th Penalty

The consumer has a child support 4th penalty.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Child Support 4th Penalty


Child Support – Food Assistance

The consumer has a child support penalty for Food Assistance.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Child Support Food Assistance


CSS Non-Coop

The consumer has not cooperated with CSS, but was not receiving assistance so no penalty is imposed.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

CSS Non-Cooperation


Fraud -ID or Residence

The consumer has committed fraud of his/her identity or residence to receive duplicate benefits.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

FA - Fraud, Identity or Residence In order to receive duplicate aid


Convicted of buying or selling FA benefits of $500 or more

The consumer has been convicted of buying or selling FA benefits of $500.00 or more.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

FA - Fraud, Permanently Disqualified Convicted of buying or selling FA benefits of $500 or more


Convicted of trading FA for guns, ammunition or explosives

The consumer has been convicted of trading FA benefits for guns, ammunition, or explosives.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

FA - Fraud, Permanently Disqualified Convicted of trading FA for guns, ammunition or explosives


FA - Transfer Property - $1 - $249.99

Consumer transferred property valued between $1 and $249.99.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

FA - Transfer Property $1 - $249.99


FA - Transfer Property - $250 - $999.99

Consumer transferred property valued between $250 and $999.99.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

FA - Transfer Property $250 - $999.99


FA - Transfer Property - $1,000 - $2,999.99

Consumer transferred property valued between $1,000 and $2,999.99.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

FA - Transfer Property $1,000 - $2,999.99


FA - Transfer Property - $3,000 - $4,999.99

Consumer transferred property valued between $3,000 and $4,999.99.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

FA - Transfer Property $3,000 - $4,999.99


FA - Transfer Property - $5000 or more

Consumer transferred property valued between $5,000 or more.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

FA - Transfer Property $5000 or more


Failure to Provide - Relationship verification to the adult

The consumer failed to provide proof of a relationship to an adult in the household.

  • Status Reason


(Does not apply to adults with a high-dated Household Status of either Permanently Out of the Home and Added in Error.)

  • Non-Compliance List

Failure to Provide Relationship verification to the adult


Failure to Provide - Proof of Income

The consumer failed to provide proof of income requested.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failure to Provide Proof of Income


Failure to Provide - Name and/or Identity

The consumer failed to provide proof of Name and/or Identity.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failure to Provide Name and/or Identity


FTP USCIS Document

The consumer did not provide documents for Non-Citizenship.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failure to Provide Non-Citizenship documents


Failure to Provide - Residence

The consumer did not provide requested proof of residence.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failed to Provide Residence


Failure to Provide - School Enrollment

The consumer did not provide requested school verification.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failed to Provide School Enrollment


Failure to Provide - Social Security Number

The consumer did not provide requested SSN.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failed to Provide Social Security Number


Failure to Provide - Proof of Trust

The consumer did not provide trust verification.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failed to Provide Proof of Trust


Failure to Pursue Potential Resources

The consumer failed to pursue a potential resource.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failed to Pursue Potential Resources


Failure to Provide - HIPPS

The consumer failed to cooperate with the requirements of the Health Insurance Premium Payment System (HIPPS).

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failed to Provide HIPPS


TANF KWK - KWK not met or not completed

The consumer did not complete KWK.

*This Non-Compliance should also be used when the consumer has reached the 24 month time limit.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

TANF KWK not met or not completed


Fraud – TANF and CC - 1st violation

The consumer has committed fraud for TANF and/or Child Care.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Fraud – TANF and CC 1st Violation


First Fraud

The consumer has one fraud violation for Food Assistance.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Fraud – FA 1st Violation


2nd Fraud

The consumer has a second fraud violation for Food Assistance.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Fraud – FA 2nd Violation


3rd Fraud

The consumer has a third fraud conviction for Food Assistance.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Fraud – FA 3rd Violation


Fugitive Felons -Fugitive Felons / Probation or Parole Violators

The consumer is a fugitive felon or in violation of probation or parole.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Fugitive Felons - Fugitive Felons / Probation or Parole Violators

Not Meeting Work Requirements-1st


The consumer has failed to meet Food Assistance work requirements once.

  • Role Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Not Meeting Work Requirements-FA 1st Violation

Not Meeting Work Requirements-2nd


The consumer has failed to meet Food Assistance work requirements twice.

  • Role Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Not Meeting Work Requirements-FA 2nd Violation

Not Meeting Work Requirements-3rd


The consumer has failed to meet Food Assistance work requirements for a third time.

  • Role Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Not Meeting Work Requirements-FA 3rd Violation


Quality Control - State QC Non-coop

The consumer failed to cooperate with a State Quality Control review.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Quality Control State QC Non-coop


1st Trade FA for Drugs

The consumer has a first conviction for using or receiving FA benefits in a transaction involving the sale of a controlled substance.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance list

Trading FA for drugs - 1st Penalty


2nd Trade FA for Drugs

The consumer has a second conviction for using or receiving FA benefits in a transaction involving the sale of a controlled substance.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance list

Trading FA for drugs – 2nd Penalty


Work Programs - 1st Penalty

The consumer has a first penalty for failing to meet TANF work requirements.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Work Programs – 1st Penalty


Work Programs - 2nd Penalty

The consumer has a second penalty for failing to meet TANF work requirements.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Work Programs – 2nd Penalty


Work Programs - 3rd Penalty

The consumer has a third penalty for failing to meet TANF work requirements.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Work Programs – 3rd Penalty


Work Programs - 4th Penalty

The consumer has a fourth penalty for failing to meet TANF work requirements.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Work Programs – 4th Penalty


Failure to Provide - Review

The consumer failed to return the review form.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failure to provide - Review


Failure to Provide - IR

The consumer failed to return an Interim Report form.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Failure to provide - IR


Generic - Generic

This non-compliance reason is used when a consumer has a non-compliance per policy, but no existing non-compliances reasons apply.

  • Status Reason

  • Non-Compliance List

Generic - Generic

Role Reason

Status Reason

Reasons for Ineligibility

EDBC Summary



Application Opened in Error

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Application Opened in Error

  • Status Reason


Failed to Complete Determination

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Failed to Complete Determination

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – All programs


Failure to Return Signed Review

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Failure to Return Signed Review

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – All programs


Duplicate Application

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Duplicate Application

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – All programs


Requested Discontinuance

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Requested Discontinuance

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – All programs


Whereabouts Unknown

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Whereabouts Unknown

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – All programs


Requested Information Not Received

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Requested Information Not Received

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – All programs


Not Eligible – Other Reasons

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Not Eligible – Other Reasons

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – All programs


Provider Not Chosen

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Provider Not Chosen

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


No Need Indicated

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: No Need Indicated

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


No Enrolled Provider

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: No Enrolled Provider

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


TANF or FA work programs closed

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: TANF or FA work programs closed

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


Lack of employment

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Lack of employment

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


Edu / training plan

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Edu / training plan

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


Failed 28 hr work req

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Failed 28 hr work req

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


No personal need

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: No personal need

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


Specialized care

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Specialized care

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


CSS Non-Cooperation

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: CSS Non-Cooperation

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – All programs


Time Limit 24 Months

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Time Limit 24 Months

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


Missed Interview

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Missed Interview

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – TANF, RCA, FA



KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Deceased

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – All programs


Residency Requirement Not Met

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Residency Requirement Not Met

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – All programs


Family Share Exceeds Cost of Care

KEES User Runs EDBC with a Negative Action Reason of: Family Share Exceeds Cost of Care

  • Status Reason

  • Negative Action Detail – Child Care only


No Child Care Plan

A KEES Batch Job sets this EDBC Status Reason when there are no Active Child Care plans.

  • Status Reason

  • N/A – this reason can only be set by a KEES Batch Job.