KPERS and TALX Interfaces

Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS)

The KPERS interface provides retirement benefit information for public employees.

From within the context of the case:

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Verifications from Task Navigation. The Verification List page displays.
  2. Select Non-Medical from the Program Type drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Interface Search button. The Interface Search page displays.
  4. Select the consumer(s) Name from the multi-select menu.
    NOTE: To multi-select click on the first Consumer’s Name, hold down the Ctrl key, and then left-click the other Consumer Name(s).
  5. Select KPERS from the Interface Type multi-select menu.
    NOTE: It is possible to run more than one interface at a time using the multi-select functionality, if needed. To multi-select click on the first Interface Type, hold down the Ctrl key, and then left-click the other Interface Type(s).
  6. Click the Call button. The Real Time Interface History List page displays the results.
  7. Click on the Call ID hyperlink. The Real Time Interface History Detail page displays.
    NOTE: If the interface call connected the Request Status column displays Success, otherwise
  8. Click the Response ID hyperlink for the KPERS record. The KPERS Interface List page displays.
  9. Click the Benefit Start Date hyperlink. The KPERS Interface Detail page displays.
  10. Review KPERS details as needed then click the Close button. The KPERS Interface Detail page displays.
  11. Click the Close button. The Real Time Interface History Detail page displays.
  12. Repeat STEP 8 – STEP 11 for any additional consumer(s) that were included in the KPERS Interface Call.


TALX – The Work Number 

DCF should not use TALX and should continue to pull wages from