Non-Compliance (ES)

Non-Compliance is used to document a failure to provide, failure to cooperate, a penalty record and/or fraud. This record is used by rules to deny or discontinue a consumer or a program when determining eligibility.

Employment Services staff should create the Non-Compliance record when applying a penalty.  For detailed information on setting a non-compliance record for a penalty, see Work Program Penalty or Potential Employment Penalty.  Follow the business process,when applying a penalty.

Viewing Non-Compliance Records

NOTE: If the Non-Compliance record has an End Date, even if in a future month, it does not display on the list page.

  1. From within the context of the case, select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Non-Compliance from Task Navigation. The Eligibility Non-Compliance List page displays.

  2. Click the View button. The Eligibility Non-Compliance List page displays with all Non-Compliance records entered for all case persons.