The Other Program Assistance Detail page is used for adding or editing information for consumers that are receiving benefits from another source.
NOTE: The Other Program Assistance (OPA) page is also used to record verification of a child’s eligibility for the SUN Bucks program. These specific OPA records have the Type of Assistance of National School Lunch Program and are typically generated via SUN Bucks batches or data mapped in from the SUN Bucks SSP e-application.
Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Other Prog. Assist. from Task Navigation.
Click the Add button. The Other Program Assistance Detail page displays.
Select the consumer from the Name drop-down menu.
Select the Type of Assistance from drop-down menu.
Food Assistance (FA) – Used when the person has received Food Assistance in another state.
TANF - Used when the person has received TANF in another state.
Tribal Commodity - Used when the person is receiving Tribal Commodities.
Select the State from which the benefits are being received from the drop-down menu.
Enter the Begin Date of the day rules should be considering benefits from the other state/commodities using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
Enter an End Date (if known) of the last day of the month the benefits from the other state end.
NOTE: If the benefits from the other state have not been closed, leave the End Date blank.
Select a Verification Value from the Non-Medical Verified drop-down menu.
Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional records. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button.
NOTE: If each household member received a benefit from another state, a record is required for each household member that received benefits.
Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Other Prog. Assist. from Task Navigation.
Click the Edit button next to the record requiring an End Date. The Other Program Assistance Detail page displays.
Enter the End Date of the day rules should no longer be considering benefits from the other state/commodities using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
Select a Verification Value from the Non-Medical Verified drop-down menu.
Click the Save and Return button.